Gift Cards Over Cash? Why?

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I very much miss the day when all providers insisted on CASH. That made sense. There was no way to track it, who have it to her, why they gave it to her and frankly, cash protects the customer too.

All of a sudden, now, they all want online payments or gift cards. I am very dubious about doing either.

The problem with online payments is that your real ID is shown when you send it and sometimes your contact details.

Gift Cards? Not sure why something I can buy for cash at CVS is preferred over the cash itself but these girls are standing firm on their insistence upon this form of payment and will not budge to simply take cash.

I may be overly paranoid on this but when they all insist on these cards I get deeply fearful of using them . At this point I refuse to use them. Why do the girls insist on a gift card?
Correct. CREAM...Cash Rules Everything Around Me....
Digital payment = SCAMMER
They aren't getting anything but cash from me
100% of those are scammers.