Velvet Lust?? Could be interesting

Has anyone seen her?

I’d love to see a review of her, she might be fun.
I never could find much that I trusted. Here's an add on another site but don't trust the reviews there. She has been around from time to time the last couple of years. If she's for real, I bet she'd hurt you in a good way lol
Thanks Funguy!
She’s a legit provider. I use to visit her when she first started visiting here. She was smaller then so that body was really nice. I seen her again about 2 years ago and she looked like her picture. Her retainer fee has gone up 50 percent since I first visited with her so I pass now. She’s a kool person though. Farrah Fox is also another I pass on because her retainer fee went up 32 percent from when I use to visit her