The media wants to "train" their new people....Hummmm.

The left wants to do away with any vestige of right wing media bigotry or racism...and the best way is to "train the young people coming into journalism to espouse liberal principles.
How tolerant and understanding of them.
From the article and video:

So Louis wants to "train" [translation: indoctrinate] young people, and get them into "the media" and "broadcasting." And as is typical of the left, which brooks no dissent and has no interest in diversity of thought, the goal is not to engage with people on the right. No, the objective is to "do away" with the conservative media.

"Train young people" to become liberal media drones? As if every journalism school in the country isn't already doing that? As if virtually every college isn't dominated by left-wing faculty that seeks to indoctrinate students every day in combating racist/sexist right-wingers? What more could Louis hope for?

Co-hosts John Berman and Alisyn Camerota loved Louis's call to create a new cadre of left-wing journalists, Berman saying it was a "glass half-full anaysis" and Camerota calling it "the silver lining."
  • oeb11
  • 07-10-2019, 02:06 PM
As the Andy Ngo case illustrates, it is getting well to the point that any journalist must adhere to DPST doctrine in "reporting" - or be excluded, assaulted, and professionally vilified by the DPST MSM and academic institutions teaching"Journalism".
rexdutchman's Avatar
Train them in the art of Scare and deceive and Hysteria over nothing , yeah that's a good idea , 1984 all over again,,,,,