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Democrats Defunding the Police and Soft on Crime policies are doing a hell of a job

Shoplifting under Senile Biden reaches crisis proportions

Shoplifting has gotten so bad nationally that chains like Rite Aid are closing hard-hit stores, sending terrified employees home in Ubers and locking up aisles of seemingly mundane items like deodorant and toothpaste.

Why it matters: Retailers are already reeling from the pandemic, supply chain woes and the labor shortage. Now they're combating systematic looting by organized crime gangs — which are growing more aggressive and violent.

"It's out of control — it is just out of control," Lisa LaBruno, SVP of operations and innovation at the Retail Industry Leaders Association, tells Axios.

At a Rite Aid that just closed its doors in midtown Manhattan, more than $200,000 in goods were stolen in December and January, per the New York Post.

“They come in every day, sometimes twice a day, with laundry bags and just load up on stuff,” the Post quoted a store employee saying.

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NYC Rite Aid plagued by string of thefts finally closes its doors

A Manhattan Rite Aid that’s been plagued by a rash of shoplifting has shut its doors.

The Hells Kitchen drug store, once a 24-hour location near the corner of Eighth Avenue and West 50th Street, was barren Thursday morning with photos showing empty, stripped shelves and no staff members in sight.

Rite Aid confirmed the closure and announced previously the store was slated to shut on Tuesday.

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The Justice Department helped obtain a reduced sentence for an arsonist who killed a father of five during the Minneapolis Floyd riots.

House Republicans are pressing the Justice Department to explain why it advocated a reduced sentence for an arsonist who killed a father of five during the 2020 George Floyd riots.

Rep. Chip Roy (R., Texas) sent a letter to the department Wednesday demanding answers about a memo in which Minnesota's federal prosecutors pushed a judge to halve the recommended sentence for the arsonist, 26-year-old Montez Terriel Lee. Federal sentencing guidelines suggested Lee serve 20 years in prison, but prosecutors said 12 would suffice because Lee's actions reflect his legitimate frustration with the criminal justice system.

"It would appear that Mr. Lee is enjoying the benefits of kid-gloved, preferential treatment in this case because he committed violence in furtherance of the preferred political views of your office and the current administration," Roy wrote in a letter first obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. It is addressed to W. Anders Folk, who served as Minnesota's top federal prosecutor until November, when he was promoted to a post in Washington, D.C.

The episode highlights Biden administration ties to the unrest in Minnesota during the 2020 presidential campaign. More than a dozen Biden campaign staffers contributed to a Minneapolis bail fund that promised to pay bail fees for demonstrators, a group Vice President Kamala Harris promoted on social media.

Three separate videos captured Lee before and immediately after he set fire to the Max It Pawn Shop in Minneapolis on May 28, according to a government affidavit. The first video shows him pouring liquid accelerant around the shop, which is in a state of complete disarray following apparent looting.

In a second video, Lee is seen standing outside the burning shop while saying "Fuck this place. We're gonna burn this bitch down." A third video shows Lee and others discussing restaurants they might "hit" next. The videos were obtained from an anonymous informant.

Apparently unbeknownst to Lee, Oscar Stewart was still inside the shop when he set off the inferno. Authorities recovered Stewart's body from the rubble of the pawn shop almost two months later on July 20. Stewart's mother reported him missing on June 5. Lee pleaded guilty to one count of arson but refused to accept responsibility for Stewart's death. The arsonist claims he checked the building for occupants before setting it ablaze and never meant to kill anyone, according to court filings. Stewart had five children.

The government's sentencing memo expresses a great deal of sympathy with the rioters, even as it acknowledges their behavior was "reckless and dangerous." The memo opens by noting that violent and destructive riots in Minneapolis and St. Paul were preceded by "mostly peaceful protests." And the memo distinguishes between rioters who exploited the chaos to commit random violence and good faith demonstrators who got carried away because they feel "angry, frustrated, and disenfranchised." Lee is one of the latter category, the memo reads.

"Mr. Lee was terribly misguided, and his actions had tragic, unthinkable consequences. But he appears to have believed that he was, in Dr. King's eloquent words, engaging in ‘the language of the unheard,'" the memo reads.

"The document reads as if it were written by the defendant's counsel rather than the prosecuting attorney," Roy's letter reads.

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Seems a misnomer since nothing’s been built, nothing is back, and nothing is better.
lustylad's Avatar
"Mr. Lee... appears to have believed that he was, in Dr. King's eloquent words, engaging in ‘the language of the unheard,'" the memo reads. Originally Posted by berryberry
What is truly sick and obscene is for anyone to be so ignorant and misguided as to quote MLK in this context!

Dr. King preached NON-VIOLENT CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE and is spinning in his grave to see his legacy hijacked by woke far-left jackasses in the DOJ defending VIOLENT PROTESTS that use the same methods as those that resulted in the shocking murder of 4 black girls at a Baptist Church in Birmingham, AL in 1963 during the height of the Civil Rights movement led by King.
Hmmmm... Surely must be odd coincidence - as I thought the
6th January protests at the Capitol and the Canadian ones
on the bridgeways ALSO had people there doing that.

Engaging in "the language of the unheard"...

### Salty
Salty January 6th was worse than September 11th according to the admirable madam Vice President… I’m sure they’re describing the freedom convoy as domestic terrorism.
berryberry's Avatar
Building back better with an attempted assassination of a Louisville mayoral candidate by a self-proclaimed racial justice activist working for “the total liberation and unification of Africa under scientific socialism,” championed by Obama & Joy Ann Reid. He was also a writer for Courier Journal.

Black Lives Matter activist Quintez Brown reportedly walked into candidate Greenberg's office, pointed his gun directly at him, and opened fire.

CNN states it was a mostly peaceful protest, until the gun went off without the trigger being pulled…they are blaming the gun

MSNBC wonders did he cross state lines?

NYC suggests bail should be set at $50
Berry if you’re not subscribed to daily wire full access, i highly recommend it.
... Or you can read "One Fish - Two Fish - Red Fish - Blue Fish"
by Doctor Seuss...

### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Berry if you’re not subscribed to daily wire full access, i highly recommend it. Originally Posted by Loretta77
Thanks - I will check into it

Meanwhile another one to thank Senile Biden and the soft on crime Democrats for: Manhattan major crimes up 46.09% YTD through 2/13.

All 22 precincts reporting higher figures.

Last week was 41.77%.

berryberry's Avatar
Building back better with an attempted assassination of a Louisville mayoral candidate by a self-proclaimed racial justice activist working for “the total liberation and unification of Africa under scientific socialism,” championed by Obama & Joy Ann Reid. He was also a writer for Courier Journal.

Black Lives Matter activist Quintez Brown reportedly walked into candidate Greenberg's office, pointed his gun directly at him, and opened fire.

CNN states it was a mostly peaceful protest, until the gun went off without the trigger being pulled…they are blaming the gun

MSNBC wonders did he cross state lines?

NYC suggests bail should be set at $50 Originally Posted by berryberry
Hey look who is bailing him out - Clintonworld-Controlled Black Lives Matter Bails Out Anti-Gun Activist Charged In Shooting Of Louisville Mayoral Candidate

YEP - they are springing the guy who tried to kill the Louisville mayoral candidate. Amazing
... They surely don't want him talking.

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
... They surely don't want him talking.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Yeah - and think about it. This scumbag is charged with attempted first degree murder for an anti-Semitic terror attack on a mayoral candidate and he is out on bail.

Jan 6 defendants are rotting in jail without bail for misdemeanor trespassing.
berryberry's Avatar
DOD: Military Spent 6 Million Man-Hours on Woke Training Under Biden

And our enemies spent those same hours much differently, like you know, on actual military training

The United States military spent nearly six million man-hours on an extremism “stand-down” and “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” (DEI) training since President Joe Biden took office, according to Department of Defense (DOD) data.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Mark Milley provided that data to Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) Republicans in response to an October 2021 request.

The data showed that service members spent a total of 5,889,082 man-hours on the “stand-down” — a day when all commanders in the military spoke to their troops about extremism, and on DEI, including critical race theory.

“We face real threats across the world, yet the Biden administration is more focused on promoting its leftist social agenda in the military instead of countering China, Russia and Iran or creating an effective counterterrorism plan,” said the Republican senators in a statement on Tuesday.

“Our military is not an extremist organization, and our service members, by and large all good people, are dedicated, faithful patriots,” they said.

“We are alarmed that so much training time and taxpayer money was devoted to a partisan, political agenda instead of recruiting, training and equipping the lethal force we need to defend this country.”