
TJHorn1's Avatar
Hope it's ok to post here....I have some furniture I'm needing to sell this week. I'm moving this weekend and don't have room or can afford to store these items.

Entertainment Center -$60.00
Book shelves - $20.00
Couch -$50.00

I can be a little negotiable in price...but I really need these things gone...please help if you can.

Or...if there is a provider needing some furniture.....I would be willing to negotiate a trade if that's possible.
SweaterPuppies's Avatar
Cost-a too much-a.
I have no interest. But if I had something I was trying to sell, I would post pictures of the items to show quality and condition.

Just saying.
TJHorn1's Avatar
If some one wants to see pics....send me a number and I'll text the pics
TJHorn1's Avatar
I don't have access to a computer at the moment. Only my phone...and don't know how to post pics on it.
TJHorn1's Avatar
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Does someone play the violin?

Mine needs tuning.

TJHorn1's Avatar
I play and have made violins....need one tuned glad to help. Bring it to me and ill make that fiddle sing.