I have lived in Houston for the better part of my 68 years, and I can't ever recall when Sylvester Turner wasn't involved in Politics in some form or fashion.
He is as liberal as it gets. He backs all of the standard liberal Agenda Items. He has always wanted to be Mayor of Houston.
But then, Houston has pretty much had liberal mayors more times than not. All have had enough sense to realize that Houston is not some Eastern Metropolitian or Mid West Shithole, voters put up with the liberal Shit as sort of a compromise that they stay the fuck out of the workings of what makes Houston Great......Business.
There is one looming problem. Like so many other huge cities, Houston is facing a crisis with pension funding. For decades, they have let municipal employees, especially those in the Police and Fire Department, work 25 years, retire at or before 50, and then spendanother 30 years drawing a pension darned near as big as their paycheck.
Houston has always been lucky in that it has a tremendous tax base. The Ship Channel Industries and the Petro Chemical Industries have been very good to the entire Mertropolitan Area.The only people that don't have a job are those that can't work, or won't work. But even a City as wealthy as Houston can be bled dry. Anise Parker had enough sense to let Houston be Houston, I hope Sylvester Turner does the same.
Time will tell.