Ted or the Donald?

albundy's Avatar
I really hope Ted Cruz stays ahead of Trump. Don't get me wrong, even though liberals and the media lose their minds and put out BS polls about the Donald and what he says, I still agree with the majority of his opinions. I just feel that Cruz is the strong Conservative we need. I know the liberals try to paint him as an idiot, but he's far from it.

If Trump were to be the nominee against Hillary, it would be no contest. Trump all of the way. Only a hardcore, can't vote for anyone that isn't a democrat, liberal could seriously consider Hillary after the numerous scandals and deaths she has caused or facilitated over the years due to her ineptitude. I really hope Ted pulls it off.

Do any of you guys think Trump would be the more electable guy over the rest of the field or be the guy we need to lead us against the radical Muslim threat?
bambino's Avatar
Yeah, that's the 64k question. Neither is liked by the Republican elders. I'm still surprised that Trump and Cruz are still leading the pack. The bottom line is, ABH. Anybody but Hillary.
I like Cruz over Trump but Trump will win. SO... TRUMP TRAIN!

Besides CRUZ will make a great VP!

albundy's Avatar
Something that I'm afraid of when it comes to Hillary is the "young" voters wanting to "make history" and turning out in huge numbers to vote for the first woman President. Much like what happened with a very inexperienced, not even close to being ready, known Socialist, named Obama. Also, because he was "cool". I hope Hillary isn't considered a trail blazer or "cool". A lot of those idiots vote for candidates based on irrelevant crap, so it's kind of scary.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I really hope Ted Cruz stays ahead of Trump. Don't get me wrong, even though liberals and the media lose their minds and put out BS polls about the Donald and what he says, I still agree with the majority of his opinions. I just feel that Cruz is the strong Conservative we need. I know the liberals try to paint him as an idiot, but he's far from it.

If Trump were to be the nominee against Hillary, it would be no contest. Trump all of the way. Only a hardcore, can't vote for anyone that isn't a democrat, liberal could seriously consider Hillary after the numerous scandals and deaths she has caused or facilitated over the years due to her ineptitude. I really hope Ted pulls it off.

she's not inept. neither is Obama, that's what makes them both dangerous, they know exactly what they are doing.

Do any of you guys think Trump would be the more electable guy over the rest of the field or be the guy we need to lead us against the radical Muslim threat? Originally Posted by albundy
i think Trump, Cruz, Rubio, Christie or Fiorina could defeat Hillbitch. even Jebbo Bin-Bush. that's how unelectable she is.

bambino's Avatar
I like Cruz over Trump but Trump will win. SO... TRUMP TRAIN!

Besides CRUZ will make a great VP!

fuckers Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Nah, Cruz has been riding Trumps coatails. He'll have to attack him soon. I doubt Cruz is angling for VP. He wants the whole enchilada. Which leads me to Jeb and Marco. I'm betting that will be it. Need the Latino vote. Romney only got 27%. Jeb and Rubio would smash that.
albundy's Avatar

The reason why I said Ted or Donald is because they are the front runners in the latest polls, for what that's worth. I do like Ted Cruz. I feel he is the most hardcore Conservative and the establishment Republicans don't want him. I wouldn't be a bit surprised though if Jeb Bush has a "surprising" jump up in the polls though. I'm sure that's who the powers that be want as the nominee.

All polls should be outlawed. There would be no way of knowing who is out in front until after the first primaries. People would have to actually just vote for who they think would be the best candidate rather than who is closer to the lead in the polls. If your guy is at the bottom of the polls, most people won't vote for him because they feel like "Why bother". Polls are way to influential to the masses.

No more polls.
Yeah, that's the 64k question. Neither is liked by the Republican elders. I'm still surprised that Trump and Cruz are still leading the pack. The bottom line is, ABH. Anybody but Hillary. Originally Posted by bambino

Any Republican but that ball busting bitch.

Although I thought it was a weird play by Trump to use the establishment playbook against Cruz when Trump is doing the very thing he criticized Cruz for.

I'm still attempting to make sense of that.
Better get behind Rubio, according to latest poll he is the only one beating Hillary. The other two are about half a bubble off plumb.
albundy's Avatar
Better get behind Rubio, according to latest poll he is the only one beating Hillary. The other two are about half a bubble off plumb. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I actually wouldn't mind if Rubio won the nomination. I just don't see it happening. I feel the Republicans need to get over this bullshit of running a "centrist" candidate and run a strong conservative and give people a CLEAR choice. Much like the 1980 election. Ted Cruz would fit the bill. The last couple of Presidential elections, the Republicans had an overall shitty field of candidates. This time, they seem to be loaded with great candidates while the Dems have a socialist and an absolute criminal as their top two. But, because of people voting straight party line and especially trying to "make history", it wouldn't surprise me if people actually elected Hillary. What a disaster that would be.

Honestly, I'll be shocked if Jeb doesn't get the nod. It'll be a "dramatic" jump up in the polls or a "surprise" result in one of the primaries to build up momentum for him. If it happens, 100% guarantee he loses to Hillary.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You people sound like there is actually a choice. The Republicans - all of them - and the Democrats are all owned by the same people. Trump will not be the nominee. He will run third party to insure a Hillary victory. FDR said that "Presidents aren't elected, they are selected". You can argue all you want, but nothing will really change until we unite against the system and bring it down.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
A Gallup poll from October 2007 had Hillary leading Obama by 30 points in the race for the Democratic Presidential nomination. And what happened? I'd bet that most Democrats are also in the "Anybody but Hillary" frame of mind. I don't trust Trump. Cruz is too far to the right. I definitely favor Rubio.
I really hope Ted Cruz stays ahead of Trump. Don't get me wrong, even though liberals and the media lose their minds and put out BS polls about the Donald and what he says, I still agree with the majority of his opinions. I just feel that Cruz is the strong Conservative we need. I know the liberals try to paint him as an idiot, but he's far from it. Originally Posted by albundy
I have never understood the Left's constant barrage of discounting any Republicans education.

Cruz went to Princeton and Harvard Law.. yet some how he is not smart??
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Trump and Cruz are both harbingers of chaos for the American people and guarantees that your worst nightmares come true. I don't think either has a snowballs chance in hell of getting elected anymore than I think any of you have a reasonable bone in your head.

But you've got another 11 months to behave like the lynch mob that you are. Enjoy, dipshits. Sounds like you're betting on hope and change.

Meanwhile, polish up your guns and stock up on ammo!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I have never understood the Left's constant barrage of discounting any Republicans education.

Cruz went to Princeton and Harvard Law.. yet some how he is not smart?? Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
Some how... I've never said Cruz wasn't smart. I've said, and continue to say that he's an evil little megalomaniacal weasel who doesn't give two shits about any of us.

Of course, if you want to live in a fucking theocracy...