Should John Brennan Be Prosecuted?

Of all of the Pundits, Anchors, Reporters, Committee Chairs, Ding Bat Congresswomen, Ding Bat Congressman, Hollywood Personalities, and others that JUST KNEW President Trump was guilty of colluding with the Russians and Obstructiong Justice, non was more vocal and adamant than former CIA Head John Brennan.

He was everywhere, not just stating the collusion angle but outright accusing the President of Treason.

Now, he is on the same TV shows saying he was miss lead. Apparently the info he was being fed was not quite correct. In fact, he is saying he just assumed there was “More There” than it turned out to be.

Keep in mind, this is the former head of the CIA. A man who was in charge of the highest intelligence gathering agency in the government.

So now he is suddenly Mr MaGoo.

There has to be some Statute that he can be prosecuted under.

Sedition? Probably not. Defamation of Character? That’s a civil thing. Miss leading the American People? I doubt that’s against the Law.

Can he be prosecuted for being a scumbag? I only wish.

Maybe just taken out back and having the living shit beat out of him. I’d settle for that.
bambino's Avatar
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Drawn and quartered
Slowly skinned alive with an I.V. of ringers, saline, and epinephrine.

Out of all the lying lefty picks, I hate him the worst!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Drawn and quartered Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Executed. Originally Posted by bambino
Slowly skinned alive with an I.V. of ringers, saline, and epinephrine.

Out of all the lying lefty picks, I hate him the worst! Originally Posted by Muscleup

I vote for all of the above. Isn't Democracy in action beautiful?
He was caught spying on Congress and lied about it - twice!

Why isn't he in jail?
Executed. Originally Posted by bambino
Theres a great possibility he and others will be. Thats why GITMO is still open and Trump is going to fill it up with these Deep State assholes.
Brennan and Hillderbeast give off this air of invincibility. They are both entrenched in, and protected by the bureaucratic state. If we see either one of them go down, the war will be over. The swamp will be mortally wounded. THAT would be a great day.

During the course of a regular political season, that would never happen. With Trump in the white house, anything is possible.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
He was caught spying on Congress and lied about it - twice!

Why isn't he in jail? Originally Posted by gnadfly

exactly. and throw in his butt buddy Clapper who also spied on everyone else in America and lied about it to Congress. it's funny to watch the liberal media talking heads fawn over these two treasonous bastards as "unimpeachable" sources of Trump's so-called collusion and obstruction yet they should both be convicted and relaxing in GITMO.
Theres a great possibility he and others will be. Thats why GITMO is still open and Trump is going to fill it up with these Deep State assholes. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Time to introduce Brennan to "waterboarding"....

Oh....wait. Wrong clip.....


I'll get back to y'all on this later....

Still, not a bad idea though.....