Traffic tickets should be apportioned not by race alone but by violations by each race and gender.
Here is my solution.
Secretly put cameras in every city that counts all the violations and the race and sex of the driver. Then, that city can only write tickets proportional to the known and proven racial and gender breakdown of violations.
For instance, it white men represent 20% of the population in a town but through rigorous documented proof commit 45% of the traffic violations, then they should get 45% of the traffic fines.
If Asian women only commit 2% of all traffic tickets then they should only get 2% of the traffic fines.
This method of ensuring racial equity will eliminate accusations of bias, I hope.
Originally Posted by friendly fred
The equation has to be based on a proportion of the total population. For instance: Numerical Caucasian males commit more statistically tracked crimes than other groups in the U.S., but Blacks complain that a "higher percentage" of Blacks are incarcerated in the "prison" population. In other words as a % of the Black population the percentage is higher than the White's who are incarcerated from the the "White male" population.
Putting the "camera" idea aside as already having failed in most metro areas, before you begin your quest for a more perfect world you might want to explore the REALITY of what causes people to commit traffic offenses and what traffic offenses are committed with a statistical chart. What you will probably discover .... mathematically .... is that there is not really any bias in the system worthy of revamping the existing system of traffic enforcement. For instance ....
If you don't know what the below means, then one should not be allowed to drive until they've learned the English language .....
... the wheels on the ground have to STOP rolling.
Las ruedas en el suelo tienen que parar de rodar.
Comprende, hombre?