2 dates no dates WTF

I am new to this hobby plus this forum and I really like the reviews and alot of what I have been reading. I have had about 5 dates so far from internet sites 2 of which I am a member of. I checked out some profiles and ad's of ladies in Binghamton through this site and set up a date with one and she texted me back asking me to text an hour before I got there for the address. I texted and hour and a half earlier because that is how long it takes to get there from where I live. I got no response but figured i was too early with the text so I got going. When I got into the Binghamton area she still did not respond so all that driving for nothing! I PM a guy on this site that had reviewed her and he said he was surprised and to give her another try and that he would also PM her. So I figured ok I will do that. I send her a PM and she responds that she is sorry and maybe that was the day she had no minutes left on her cell phone. So we set something up for the next Friday and then we got hit with that freekin storm and I could not get out of work but contacted her long before so that she knew I could not make it and asked about the next Friday. That would have been yesterday and again a date was set and for me to an hour before and if she did not respond to please call the number and wake her up. I text and then call twice and get NOTHING! I am in Binghamton alot for work and would have been a steady customer but I guess that is not going to happen. Still looking for a Provider in Binghamton for when I am in the area. So you ladies that bitch about guys not showing up after a date is arranged it happens to us too and really sucks.
  • Aguy
  • 01-12-2014, 12:01 PM
Yep been there. I suspect that some of it is double booking and some is totally mismanaged life --how do you run out of minutes on the phone that pays your bills.
Plastic Man's Avatar
Time to file a complaint with the ole triple B
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 01-12-2014, 12:55 PM
So you ladies that bitch about guys not showing up after a date is arranged it happens to us too and really sucks. Originally Posted by catmando
I don't think anyone ever suggested otherwise.
ToriStarr's Avatar
I'm feeling your pain lol. I was just canceled on last minute and I'm pissed. Sure I've had to cancel before, I hate canceling but stuff does happen and no one is perfect. However this was the second time in a row this same person canceled, last minute no explanation. Oh and after he had already said he was on the way. So now here I sit in my hotel room all done up in my nurse costume bored lol. Whatever. It is frustrating but it happens and I guess you just gotta roll with it.
pineappleguy's Avatar
So now here I sit in my hotel room all done up in my nurse costume bored lol. Originally Posted by ToriStarr
If I had seen this sooner I would have come over and taken your temperature with my "special" thermometer!
Fuck the three strike rule. Two and you're out as far as I'm concerned. Shoulda let Dr Feel good know TS :-)
ToriStarr's Avatar
If I had seen this sooner I would have come over and taken your temperature with my "special" thermometer! Originally Posted by pineappleguy
Mmmm yeah I think I had a fever, was feeling very hottttt
ToriStarr's Avatar
Fuck the three strike rule. Two and you're out as far as I'm concerned. Shoulda let Dr Feel good know TS :-) Originally Posted by Howdy Do Me
Aw yeah I should have! I don't think of these things sometimes...blonde moment?