Now to bring in the New Year

Guest102312's Avatar
THis is the time of year where everyone says what they will different this coming up year (which 80% of us will forget to do).

What is everyone's New Year Resolution? Personal and Hobby related

Mine is to be as naughty as possible. And I am sure I can come up with another one
sixxbach's Avatar

Personal... get in better shape and not party so much.
Hobby: have more top 10 try outs....

Visit my ATF again. Several times.
Personal: Make my (non-hobby) business EXPLODE! Yes people, I have a "big girl" job

Hobby: Learn new tricks And get as many women naked as humanly possible.
Personal: Make my (non-hobby) business EXPLODE! Yes people, I have a "big girl" job Originally Posted by klovve
I second that. My non-hobby career is going to be my personal focus in the New Year.

I also want to travel to at least 4 new places for pleasure, start trail running religiously again, and begin investing my earnings wisely.

Hobby: Learn new tricks And get as many women naked as humanly possible. Originally Posted by klovve
As far as the hobby goes, I'm planning on doing at least 6 tours in the US, and focusing more on extended-length sessions.
Hmm personal, I wanna drop 60 + pounds, yeah I said it . Also i wanna hurry up and finish school.

Hobby... a hobby make over on a few things
GneissGuy's Avatar
What is everyone's New Year Resolution? Personal and Hobby related. Originally Posted by Pinky
The same thing it is every year, Pinky.

Personal: Make my (non-hobby) business EXPLODE! Originally Posted by klovve
I hope your personal business isn't a gas station.
Apply all disposable income (Hobby included) toward a new business idea.
Exercise even harder
Eat smaller portions more often cutting out sugar completely
Drink lots and lots more water and less and less coffee (I suspect this will be the toughest one)
Grow and juice more wheatgrass more consistently
Finish writing this damn book (Publisher's driving me nuts)
Watch less news. It was a total buzz kill for 2010.
Stay on my toes and bob and weave no matter what gets thrown.
missi hart's Avatar
personal---i hope to be healthy and injury-free and would love to get another marathon or two under my belt. i also want to strive to continually get better as a person and do whatever i can for my family and friends.

hobby---i really hope to get provider status
I would vouch for Missi. She's a nasty gurl! Someone please give Missi provider status already. QUOTE=missi hart;871865]personal---i hope to be healthy and injury-free and would love to get another marathon or two under my belt. i also want to strive to continually get better as a person and do whatever i can for my family and friends.

hobby---i really hope to get provider status[/QUOTE]
Whispers's Avatar

As far as the hobby goes.... focusing more on extended-length sessions. Originally Posted by Natalie Reign
So us. Length Challenged. Guys are being left out in 2011?
Perfect my BFE skills, and get provider status.
I also vow to give Natalie a lot more mouth hugs.

and, of course, my favorites...
Whispers's Avatar
I plan to continue my quest for SHMB Domination by Franchising the "AttackPack" with satellite groups in every major city across Texas..... We didn't think we would own Austin until Mid 2011 but we are about there now..... San Antonio is up next!

The KeyClub was introduced about 6 months premature..... But I expect it to triple in size through the First Quarter when I introduce even more community oriented events, Karaoke Nights, Hot Tub Nights and bring in a Stage Hypnotist for a couple of private parties..... That's right Sophia.. you are getting VERY sleepy......

I'll continue to keep the community off balance with the two sides of Whispers flip flopping back and forth from extreme measures of generosity and niceties vs ripping off the occasional head.....

Mid Summer, after the divorce is finalized, I'll be running another Fund Raiser to support my newest OutReach Program.... Whisper's Home for Wayward Waitresses and Strippers.... a not for profit agency designed to keep the lost and forgotten working the clubs out of the extended stays and between my sheets.....

Yes... I have plans for 2011......