First Darwin Award of 2011

governmentguru's Avatar
From the AAS:
An accidental fire around 5:30 a.m. at a Shell gas station near 10th and Interstate 35 started after four guys trying to help two women were transporting gas in a bucket inside the cab of a pick-up truck and someone lit a cigarette.
LadiesFan's Avatar
TFF... I read that story and thought the same thing.

unagi's Avatar
  • unagi
  • 01-03-2011, 09:54 AM
I don't think it counts as a Darwin award. They are still alive and, presumably, can reproduce.
unagi, yes, those are supposedly the two criteria, although some listing neglect the second. If you've already propagated the stupid gene, it doesn't count. Now I once saw where a father took out his only child (a grown son) and himself, so that does count.

But what kind of idiot smokes in the presence of an open container of gasoline? Okay, an idiot, but there are different levels and this is at the bottom (very bad) of the chart.