Hobby Site Wars

There seems to some friction between two hobby sites, USA Sex Guide and Monger Guide. This made me wonder, do you know of any hobby sites that use to go at it like the Hatfield's and Mccoy's?

#27 - ECCIE policy regarding the discussion of competing websites is intended to exhibit a straight-forward and simple approach. We do not disallow mention of other sites here at ECCIE, however we ask that you limit those discussions to the "Other Hobby Sites" thread located in the Member Suggestions and Feedback forum. This is the area that we have designated as being an appropriate outlet for these types of discussions. Posts of this nature made in other forums throughout the board will be merged into this location. If you find these types of posts in your local forums, please use the RTM function to report them to staff.
awl4knot's Avatar
BESTgfe.com and GFEclub.com are bitter rivals in the Mid-Atlantic area. Best was sold to GFEclub, who defaulted on payments. Best got the domain name back but lost content and customer base. Best's owner is still very bitter about the experience. GFEclub will ban any member who mentions Best.

The result is that both sites are diminished.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Didn't even know mongerguide was a thing. What's their beef with USASG .... who has the most accurate streetwalker reports?
I do know TER doesn't allow you to talk about any site that also allows reviews or "reports".
There seems to some friction between two hobby sites, USA Sex Guide and Monger Guide. This made me wonder, do you know of any hobby sites that use to go at it like the Hatfield's and Mccoy's? Originally Posted by Dreaming 808
Check out all adult websites see what's going on in adult business...
FoulRon's Avatar
But did you RTM this post?
BESTgfe.com and GFEclub.com are bitter rivals in the Mid-Atlantic area. Best was sold to GFEclub, who defaulted on payments. Best got the domain name back but lost content and customer base. Best's owner is still very bitter about the experience. GFEclub will ban any member who mentions Best.

The result is that both sites are diminished. Originally Posted by awl4knot
Interesting awl4knot, I never thought of it from a business POV. I was thinking from more of a personal POV. I was thinking more along the lines of Admin A banning Member B because he wrote a bad review about his ATF Provider C (most likely Provider C is giving Admin A freebies for special favors). Member B says F it and starts his own site, and the drama begins.
Didn't even know mongerguide was a thing. What's their beef with USASG .... who has the most accurate streetwalker reports?
I do know TER doesn't allow you to talk about any site that also allows reviews or "reports". Originally Posted by MOCHAakaMOCHA
I'm not sure what the deal is with those two sites. I'm a lover not a fighter lol.
Jannisary's Avatar
I think the issue is the newer site "Monger Guide" trying to poach members off USA. Basically trying to draw members away from USA and towards the other site.
ck1942's Avatar
Interesting question and observations.

Yes. Many such "battles" in the past 15 years that I know of. And some serious rivalries, too, of course.

Quite often depended on whether the sites were highly paid offers (ads, memberships, review access, etc.) or purely paid, such as eros, backpage, craigslist and others.

Sometimes among "spinoffs" hived off of local or statewide, or sometimes nationals; depending on who wanted to try to cash in.

Many, many (too many to enumerate) very local sites have failed due to inertia or due to more well run sites entering the market.

Several that I know of personally have cratered due to the operators/owners "abusing the privilege" of the ladies' favors.

And, of course, we can all probably name some of the sites that have in recent years been shuttered by the feds or targeted by LE.

imo, well run sites continue to exist due to fair rules and fair applications thereof, minimizing the flames and flares and running off the worst of the trolls and abusers, be they male or female.

All in all, the more hobby sites, the merrier.

My economic philosophy is that true competition engenders quality.
BESTgfe.com and GFEclub.com are bitter rivals in the Mid-Atlantic area. Best was sold to GFEclub, who defaulted on payments. Best got the domain name back but lost content and customer base. Best's owner is still very bitter about the experience. GFEclub will ban any member who mentions Best.

The result is that both sites are diminished. Originally Posted by awl4knot
Very true, unfortunately. I'm a regular on BestGFE and a lurker on ECCIE. Neither Best nor GFEClub has been able to restore what was once a great community. The core of the community stayed loyal to the BestGFE owner, but the more casual, occasional hobbyists ended up on the new site. They set up bestgfe.com to redirect to gfeclub.com for a while before the owner of Best was able to get his old domain name back, so a lot of people ended up at GFEClub by default. Unfortunately, the providers were forced to put their ads where the traffic was, but complaints of poor customer service toward paying advertisers were rampant.

Best is well-moderated, so the guys who think they're Captain Slap-A-Hoe ended up at GFEClub. I'm not sure what the situation is at the moment, but there were some long stretches where the owner of GFEClub was an absentee landlord, and posts that would have gotten deleted anywhere else were condoned - not just obnoxious jerks, but things like outing personal info, discussion of illegal activities, etc that put the whole hobby community in danger.

I'd like to say that ECCIE is a great community and I plan to start posting here more often. I live in an area where this board doesn't have much activity, but I've found ECCIE to be a great resource when I'm traveling to other parts of the country.
I don't worry about which site is a rival to other sites. Other cares? I choose sites by quality. I may be using rival sites, I may not be and I don't care.
I think the issue is the newer site "Monger Guide" trying to poach members off USA. Basically trying to draw members away from USA and towards the other site. Originally Posted by Jannisary
Jannisary, I know what poaching is but can you give an example on how Monger Guide is try to poach members from USASG.
Hey FoulRon, this is Lanc3l0t from RM. How are you? Your inbox messaging is full.

But did you RTM this post? Originally Posted by FoulRon