Questions for Republicans

I have a very fundamental question: In the last 32 years, we've had 20 years of Republican Presidents and 12 years of Democratic Presidents. Why didn't the GOP fix all the issues we face over those 20 years? President Bush had a majority in Congress for the first 6 years of his Presidency, Obama had 2 years. Why wasn't housing addressed? Why wasn't immigration addressed? Why wasn't the deficit addressed? By the time Bush finished his first term, with a majority in congress, he had already increased the debt by 30% over what he inherited from Clinton. I think 20 years is plenty of time to deal with what we consider the nation's biggest challenges. Now we're stuck with Obama for another 4. Perhaps if the GOP would have really addressed all those issues, McCain would have won re-election on Nov 6.
This should be very interesting!
  • Laz
  • 11-12-2012, 04:56 PM
Congress passes the budget not the president. How many of those years had a republican congress? 12 if I remember right. The Congress of the early 2000's failed miserably which led to Pelosi, reed, and Obama.

The reality is with the exception of a few years in the 90's both parties are responsible for this disaster. It also started in the 30's. Not just in the most recent 30 years.
House of Representatives Majority Republican:

1995 - 2007, 2011 - Today

Senate Majority Republican:

1981 - 1987, 1995 - 2007

So in the last 32 years we've had 18 years of Republican Majority in the Senate and 14 years of Republican Majority in the House. 2001 - 2007 had a Republican Senate, Republican House, and Republican President.

So tell me, why are they different?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I have a very fundamental question: In the last 32 years, we've had 20 years of Republican Presidents and 12 years of Democratic Presidents. Why didn't the GOP fix all the issues we face over those 20 years? President Bush had a majority in Congress for the first 6 years of his Presidency, Obama had 2 years. Why wasn't housing addressed? Why wasn't immigration addressed? Why wasn't the deficit addressed? By the time Bush finished his first term, with a majority in congress, he had already increased the debt by 30% over what he inherited from Clinton. I think 20 years is plenty of time to deal with what we consider the nation's biggest challenges. Now we're stuck with Obama for another 4. Perhaps if the GOP would have really addressed all those issues, McCain would have won re-election on Nov 6. Originally Posted by icuminpeace
This is a good question, but don't expect an honest answer from the Republicans on this site- the majority have very poor memory- most of them don't even remember the Bush years - they believe Obama created the mess he walked into in 2009- or better yet the very few who acknowledge the mess Bush left believe that 4 years was enough time for Obama to fix Bush's fuck up.
House of Representatives Majority Republican:

1995 - 2007, 2011 - Today

Senate Majority Republican:

1981 - 1987, 1995 - 2007

So in the last 32 years we've had 18 years of Republican Majority in the Senate and 14 years of Republican Majority in the House. 2001 - 2007 had a Republican Senate, Republican House, and Republican President.

So tell me, why are they different? Originally Posted by icuminpeace
Please give Laz additional time. He needs to contact FAUX for a new set of talking points!
By the way, I don't like the Democrats either, but the Republicans drive me crazy with their "we're different" crap when they have proven time and time again that they're exactly the same.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Just as we thought, not a peep from the Usual Suspects.

House of Representatives Majority Republican:

1995 - 2007, 2011 - Today

Senate Majority Republican:

1981 - 1987, 1995 - 2007

So in the last 32 years we've had 18 years of Republican Majority in the Senate and 14 years of Republican Majority in the House. 2001 - 2007 had a Republican Senate, Republican House, and Republican President.

So tell me, why are they different? Originally Posted by icuminpeace
They arnt any different, there is always someone pulling the strings there is always someone in control. I think other than a hand full of politicians that have served our Country the majority of them have been owned by ( money, big oil, big business, defense, etc. ) I was actually hoping Romney was rich enough that he didnt have to sell his soul 10 seconds after he gets to Wash.
I know all the window lickers on both sides will call b/s but they have a hard time excepting reality.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Just as we thought, not a peep from the Usual Suspects.

FUCKING IDIOTS!!!! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
but you did not call him a dipshit
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
ICIP, once again you are assuming that the major parties WANT to solve problems. They don't. They want to obtain and maintain power, so the more problems they create, the more they can demagogue themselves to re-election. That way they can funnel more perks and cash to their corporate and bankster owners, and make a tidy little sum for themselves. Not to mention the power and prestige, which gets them into the best parties on Capitol Hill, gets them on TV, and lets them take fantastic trips around the world on our, or some lobbyist's dime.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
This thing has been debunked so many times...

Why 32 years? Why not 50 years? Why not 75 years? That is about one lifespan so I'm going to go with 75 years.
In the last 75 years the White House has been controlled by the GOP for 36 years and by democrats for 39 years.
In the last 75 years the House has been controlled by the GOP for 13 years and by the democrats for 62 years.
In the last 75 years the Senate has been controlled by the GOP for 20 years and by the democrats for 55 years.
In the last 75 years the control of all three branches by the GOP for 6 years and by the democrats for 16 years.

In the last 75 years the democrats have controlled 2 of the 3 branches of the goverment for 59 years and the GOP for 14 years.

So for 59 of the last 75 years the democrats have had serious control of our government and for 16 of those years had absolute control. Now we know why the government (and our country) is so screwed up.
The question is why didn't the GOP fix everything that's broken when they had the chance, not who screwed it up.
And I picked the 32 year lifespan because that's when our debt started to skyrocket.
This thing has been debunked so many times...

Why 32 years? Why not 50 years? Why not 75 years? That is about one lifespan so I'm going to go with 75 years.
In the last 75 years the White House has been controlled by the GOP for 36 years and by democrats for 39 years.
In the last 75 years the House has been controlled by the GOP for 13 years and by the democrats for 62 years.
In the last 75 years the Senate has been controlled by the GOP for 20 years and by the democrats for 55 years.
In the last 75 years the control of all three branches by the GOP for 6 years and by the democrats for 16 years.

In the last 75 years the democrats have controlled 2 of the 3 branches of the goverment for 59 years and the GOP for 14 years.

So for 59 of the last 75 years the democrats have had serious control of our government and for 16 of those years had absolute control. Now we know why the government (and our country) is so screwed up. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

No wonder you are pissed your group hasn't had near as much playing time as the they have had to work twice as hard to screw up the country as the dems.