dont we already have a few forms of govt provided healthcare ?

Roothead's Avatar
Medicaid, Medicare, WIC programs, etc.... and of course, the invisable healthcare provider of last resort - the open-to-all-ER of every hospital... all the "free" care in the ER (ever been to an ER on a Sat night? not a very pretty sight....) is ultimately paid by.... wait for it.... the taxpayer! no such thing as a freebie.... therefore, given that we, as a society, are already paying for a form of universal healthcare, what is so bad about formalizing it...?
Medicaid, Medicare, WIC programs, etc.... and of course, the invisable healthcare provider of last resort - the open-to-all-ER of every hospital... all the "free" care in the ER (ever been to an ER on a Sat night? not a very pretty sight....) is ultimately paid by.... wait for it.... the taxpayer! no such thing as a freebie.... therefore, given that we, as a society, are already paying for a form of universal healthcare, what is so bad about formalizing it...? Originally Posted by Roothead
What do you care Mr 4%...
Medicaid, Medicare, WIC programs, etc.... and of course, the invisable healthcare provider of last resort - the open-to-all-ER of every hospital... all the "free" care in the ER (ever been to an ER on a Sat night? not a very pretty sight....) is ultimately paid by.... wait for it.... the taxpayer! no such thing as a freebie.... therefore, given that we, as a society, are already paying for a form of universal healthcare, what is so bad about formalizing it...? Originally Posted by Roothead
Stop that! You're going to give the Far Right Wing-Nuts a headache! Have some compassion Dude!
Dude nobody except Veterans in this country go without their health needs being unmet.

This wholed debate was only over HOW MANY PEOPLE LACKED HEALTH INSURANCE because the private insurers lobbied for manditory purchase of their product just like they lobbied for manditory purchase of auto insurance thirty years ago.

This has nothing to do with public benefits.

It has only to do with a private industry bribing and lobbying Congress to make everyone criminals if they don't buy their product.
bojulay's Avatar
The way I understand it, unless something has changed,
is that the IRS has no authority to make you pay for
Obamacare, they can't put you in jail or even garnish
your wages. They could hold it out of any tax return
that you might get though, so people that don't want
to pay the fine will probably make sure they don't have
any tax returns coming back to them.
The way I understand it, unless something has changed,
is that the IRS has no authority to make you pay for
Obamacare, they can't put you in jail or even garnish
your wages. They could hold it out of any tax return
that you might get though, so people that don't want
to pay the fine will probably make sure they don't have
any tax returns coming back to them. Originally Posted by bojulay

What I've heard is that companies who fail to provide over-priced insurance from greedy insurers and the doctors and hospitals they gouge with will have to pay a 2,000 per employee extra tax.

Small businesses can't afford it, and they can't affort paying for care provided by the greedy gouging doctors and their lobby who are bankrupting this country.

I am self-insured!!!!

I take care of my own health through diet and exercise.

I cured myself of cancer seven years ago by going to Europe and buying a simple cream immunostimulant that FDA won't permit here.

I cost me less than 300 dollars Dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!

I worked for a crooked medical device manufacturer here for seven years that was put out of business after we shipped out 40,000 contaminated surgical implants because we'd bribed the officers of the FDA by giving them all jobs LOL

Insurance is a bad and crooked idea.

Everyone has the right to self-insure and opt out of the American medical system


One of my best friends in Italy got pancreatic cancer two months ago and now he's bouncing back and will live!! They have cures for pancreatic cancer there which are not allowed by the FDA in the US.

Everyone I know in the US with pancreatic cancer is dead from it.

FUCK the United States.

FUCk this criminal country.
Move and soon then if you get ill the cure is at hand.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-13-2012, 06:50 AM

I cured myself of cancer seven years ago by going to Europe and buying a simple cream immunostimulant that FDA won't permit here.

I cost me less than 300 dollars Dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!

Everyone I know in the US with pancreatic cancer is dead from it.

FUCK the United States.

FUCk this criminal country. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts

You heard it here first folks!

The cure for pancreatic cancer