Moody's, a prominent ratings agency, predicted President Barack Obama would "reverse course" and approve the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada to Texas during his second term......APPROVAL MEANS ODUMBO ADMITS TO BEING STUPID, A LIAR OR BOTH!

Moody's: Obama Will Approve Keystone XL Pipeline


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by Tony Lee 13 Nov 2012, 1:49 AM PDT 15post a comment
Moody's, a prominent ratings agency, predicted President Barack Obama would "reverse course" and approve the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada to Texas during his second term.

“We believe the White House will reverse course and approve the Keystone XL pipeline, which would ship crude from Canada’s western oil sands to the Gulf Coast,” Moody's wrote, according to The Hill.

Moody's also predicted the approval would not be quick and a "prolonged permitting process risks missing the very oil price boom that inspired Keystone XL in the first place."
The agency acknowledged that "even if Keystone XL went into operation in 2015 or 2016, Gulf Coast refining and marketing companies would benefit from wider light/heavy crude price differentials.”

Moody's also noted in its forecast that Obama's second term would also hurt parts of the energy industry, as they would seek to more aggressively regulate hydraulic fracking and offshore oil exploration.
“Energy regulation may tighten in general as well, with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) expanding its regulatory reach. Hydraulic fracturing will likely come under more scrutiny, and federal oversight of deepwater production will remain strict," Moody's wrote.
Environmentalists plan to oppose the Keystone pipeline in a demonstration in front of the White House on November 18.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
You are a flaming douche-bag.

I predict you will realize what a total fucking loser you are, and you won't give a shit because you are a total fucking loser.

It obvious you don't post on weekends because your work-release program keeps your ass locked up.

Should have gone with a different lawyer than cog.

More to the point, you should have stayed away from the under-age boys in the first place.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, that was a reasoned and thoughtful response. Thank you, Munchie, for raising the bar of civility on this board. We needed that.
You are a flaming douche-bag.

I predict you will realize what a total fucking loser you are, and you won't give a shit because you are a total fucking loser.

It obvious you don't post on weekends because your work-release program keeps your ass locked up.

Should have gone with a different lawyer than cog.

More to the point, you should have stayed away from the under-age boys in the first place. Originally Posted by Munchonacockmasterman

More proof that you should stop brewing that hooch you learned to make in prison and having it for breakfast.....

I'll bet Cockmunch's gay son still locks his bedroom door out of habit......



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