Liberal Daily Kos diarist calls for 'benevolent' Obama dictatorship

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
At least they are telling the truth about how they feel. Many members of this board would approve giving Obama absolute power. Does that worry anyone? It does me.

From the article:

In a diary posted Thursday at the left wing Daily Kos, Michael Alton Gottlieb called for Obama to rule the country as a "benevolent" dictator.

"The American Presidency is a de facto dictatorship," he wrote.

According to Gottlieb, the president "has unprecedented power of Fiat" and "literally has the power of life and death over every citizen in the nation."

So, in Gottlieb's view, the president should use that power for "good."

Echoing Michael Moore, Gottlieb says Obama should "lock up the bankers," without giving any reason why. Apparently, the fact that they work in a bank is reason enough for them to be stripped of their right to due process and tossed in jail.

"Reform the system. Forgive the debt. Reboot," he added. Unfortunately, the economy doesn't work that way, but it probably sounded good to Gottlieb at the time he wrote it.

He also called for Obama to unilaterally declare a national emergency, but doesn't say exactly why. He says America should "bring the troops home and the military-industrial-complex to heel."

Gottlieb seems to have forgotten the Executive Order signed by Obama that would spell out what could happen in such a declared national emergency. The order, signed in March, would effectively nationalize everything, including food, water and U.S. citizens.

He talks about fixing infrastructure and rebuilding towns, roads and bridges as if America just emerged from a great world war.

"And, sad to say, with so much ignorant acrimony fueled by the religious fervor of zealots, mixed with a herd of deer in the headlights, only a truly benevolent dictator can get us out of this mess," he wrote, apparently oblivious to the extreme hatred exhibited by the left during the recently-concluded campaign. Gottlieb has an excuse, however, since the so-called "mainstream media" has remained silent to the never-ending calls for Romney's murder.

"A people this divided, embittered, armed and dangerous, a tinderbox citizenry, can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear. Only someone with the power of 'make it so' can remedy this dysfunctional family of Americans and do what is right for the country in the name of the people," he added.

"If you're going to be a dictator," he wrote, "be an American one."

While liberals and some in the media may salivate over the idea of an Obama dictatorship, such a move on Obama's part could easily spark the civil unrest Lawrence Sellin predicted in September.

See the full article here:
Absurd, and you know it. Unlike you and the rest of the repukes, Democrats respect rule of law. We don't want a dictatorship, we believe in democracy and we're happy that we have a president who thinks like we do.

We're also pleased that we have a group of leaders that are looking forward, and who actually want to try to address the problems facing the country....rather than simply crying and whining about how awful things are....and how the only solution to how awful things are is to put Republicans back in charge. Even though Republicans are largely responsible for how awful things are to begin with.

Don't worry, we'll clean up your mess.
At least they are telling the truth about how they feel. Many members of this board would approve giving Obama absolute power. Does that worry anyone? It does me.

From the article:

In a diary posted Thursday at the left wing Daily Kos, Michael Alton Gottlieb called for Obama to rule the country as a "benevolent" dictator.

"The American Presidency is a de facto dictatorship," he wrote.

According to Gottlieb, the president "has unprecedented power of Fiat" and "literally has the power of life and death over every citizen in the nation."

So, in Gottlieb's view, the president should use that power for "good."

Echoing Michael Moore, Gottlieb says Obama should "lock up the bankers," without giving any reason why. Apparently, the fact that they work in a bank is reason enough for them to be stripped of their right to due process and tossed in jail.

"Reform the system. Forgive the debt. Reboot," he added. Unfortunately, the economy doesn't work that way, but it probably sounded good to Gottlieb at the time he wrote it.

He also called for Obama to unilaterally declare a national emergency, but doesn't say exactly why. He says America should "bring the troops home and the military-industrial-complex to heel."

Gottlieb seems to have forgotten the Executive Order signed by Obama that would spell out what could happen in such a declared national emergency. The order, signed in March, would effectively nationalize everything, including food, water and U.S. citizens.

He talks about fixing infrastructure and rebuilding towns, roads and bridges as if America just emerged from a great world war.

"And, sad to say, with so much ignorant acrimony fueled by the religious fervor of zealots, mixed with a herd of deer in the headlights, only a truly benevolent dictator can get us out of this mess," he wrote, apparently oblivious to the extreme hatred exhibited by the left during the recently-concluded campaign. Gottlieb has an excuse, however, since the so-called "mainstream media" has remained silent to the never-ending calls for Romney's murder.

"A people this divided, embittered, armed and dangerous, a tinderbox citizenry, can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear. Only someone with the power of 'make it so' can remedy this dysfunctional family of Americans and do what is right for the country in the name of the people," he added.

"If you're going to be a dictator," he wrote, "be an American one."

While liberals and some in the media may salivate over the idea of an Obama dictatorship, such a move on Obama's part could easily spark the civil unrest Lawrence Sellin predicted in September.

See the full article here: Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It is a sarcastically satirical article. Don't quote it like it is a serious policy suggestion.
markroxny's Avatar
Absurd, and you know it. Unlike you and the rest of the repukes, Democrats respect rule of law. We don't want a dictatorship, we believe in democracy and we're happy that we have a president who thinks like we do.

We're also pleased that we have a group of leaders that are looking forward, and who actually want to try to address the problems facing the country....rather than simply crying and whining about how awful things are....and how the only solution to how awful things are is to put Republicans back in charge. Even though Republicans are largely responsible for how awful things are to begin with.

Don't worry, we'll clean up your mess. Originally Posted by timpage
Someone famous said:

"what democracy has to fear most is a benevolent dictator"..................... .

Obama talks about transforming America - his revolution.....

Revolutions aren't made to enforce democracy, but to establish dictatorships !

Be afraid America, be very afraid of Obama and his pals. Especially those in relish dressing up in over-the-top military uniforms with gold braiding, large epaulets and phony medals of honor.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Absurd, and you know it. Unlike you and the rest of the repukes, Democrats respect rule of law. We don't want a dictatorship, we believe in democracy and we're happy that we have a president who thinks like we do.

We're also pleased that we have a group of leaders that are looking forward, and who actually want to try to address the problems facing the country....rather than simply crying and whining about how awful things are....and how the only solution to how awful things are is to put Republicans back in charge. Even though Republicans are largely responsible for how awful things are to begin with.

Don't worry, we'll clean up your mess. Originally Posted by timpage
Democrats respect the rule of law? Like in Fast and Furious? Like in the New Black Panther Party investigation? And others?

Democrats have no more respect for the rule of law than Republicans. Which is zero. You're delusional, Timmy. You would support one-party rule in a heartbeat, especially if Obama was "Dear Leader." Just like your friends who post here.
Someone famous said:

"what democracy has to fear most is a benevolent dictator"..................... .

Obama talks about transforming America - his revolution.....

Revolutions aren't made to enforce democracy, but to establish dictatorships !

Be afraid America, be very afraid of Obama and his pals. Especially those in relish dressing up in over-the-top military uniforms with gold braiding, large epaulets and phony medals of honor. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

When Texas leaves the union will they have a dick tater also?