Client Reviews??!!!

1Jannessa's Avatar
Ok not sure if I'm in the right section with this discussion, but I hope so. I have been very fortunate since I have joined this site to see really great guys that have been kind enough to right really good reviews and comments about me! But I also work in a studio with some ladies that have received some "not so glowing" reviews. Being a verified provider I am not able to read the ROS section of a review so I often times wonder how much of the negative review was actually the provider's fault and how much was the clients fault or misinterpretation. So I was wondering if it would be a fair idea for the providers to be able to tell their side of the story as a "Comment" on a review written about them? Or perhaps their own Client Review Section? Because really when a guy says "she was distant or stand-offish" is that the girl's fault or is it because the smelt like old cheese & onions? I'll probably regret writing this later but it has kinda been a topic of discussion around our incall so I thought I'd put it to "The Powers that Be"
diud-diud's Avatar
Yea, what you are referring to is affectionately know as around here as a "shit storm". I've yet to see a reply to a review do anything but make both parties look at best questionable, and at worst outright stupid. So I would suggest, just my own humble opinion, that unless the review contains lies about things that did/did not happen or the entire review is false, it is better to let your good reviews speak for you. Because it is useless to argue about someone else's opinion, even if it is about you. And you can't tell someone how they should have felt about something even if you didn't mean for them to feel that way.

And if someone doesn't look or smell right, I do believe you have the option of returning their money and not going through with the session. But if you decide to go through with it and is unable to do your best, then a negative review is a possible consequence.

Yea, what you are referring to is affectionately know as around here as a "shit storm". I've yet to see a reply to a review do anything but make both parties look at best questionable, and at worst outright stupid. So I would suggest, just my own humble opinion, that unless the review contains lies about things that did/did not happen or the entire review is false, it is better to let your good reviews speak for you. Because it is useless to argue about someone else's opinion, even if it is about you. And you can't tell someone how they should have felt about something even if you didn't mean for them to feel that way.

And if someone doesn't look or smell right, I do believe you have the option of returning their money and not going through with the session. But if you decide to go through with it and is unable to do your best, then a negative review is a possible consequence.

diud Originally Posted by diud-diud
Hard to add to that, and I think we'd all be better off if nobody tried. And I'd like to go ahead and wish for world peace while I'm at it.
Being a provider, I think we should be able to write reviews on clients as well because I have had a few clients give bad reviews & was not able to tell my side of the story as to why the client was unsatisfied from my services.

So what if we could give reviews on the clients... Just as mean as they are about what they say about us I would LOVE to be able to criticize them as well... Just so everybody could have the full story not just one side..
Iaintliein's Avatar
I may offer a reviewers discount!
bistraight69's Avatar
Provider/Sex Worker how do find out about your negative reviews?
Being a provider, I think we should be able to write reviews on clients as well because I have had a few clients give bad reviews & was not able to tell my side of the story as to why the client was unsatisfied from my services.

So what if we could give reviews on the clients... Just as mean as they are about what they say about us I would LOVE to be able to criticize them as well... Just so everybody could have the full story not just one side.. Originally Posted by Classy Cloe
They are reviewing you as a business, not as a person. Sounds harsh, but that's the reality of selling sex. That's why the reviews go one way, because it's paying customers passing on what should be useful information to help other paying customers make informed decisions.

Is it always fair and truthful? Of course not. But that's something every business has to put up with to some degree. Whether it's restaurants dealing with anonymous online reviews or b2b (that's business to business) businesses dealing with competitors badmouthing them to their customers.

It's all a numbers game. Take care of your customers, and the bogus bad reviews will carry no weight with your potential clients, as they will be drowned out by the good ones. Most customers only balk when they see a pattern of bad reviews.
I think a somewhat mini review should be included in every reference would be something like this :
did they arrive on time?:
Where the groomed and clean
where they discreet?
Did the try to haggle/over stay pass their time:
Where they gentle? :
Did the respect your boundary's:
Would you have a second visit with them?:

*** I do not think a review section for clients is at all a good idea
Safire Sweet
diud-diud's Avatar
Being a provider, I think we should be able to write reviews on clients as well because I have had a few clients give bad reviews & was not able to tell my side of the story as to why the client was unsatisfied from my services.

So what if we could give reviews on the clients... Just as mean as they are about what they say about us I would LOVE to be able to criticize them as well... Just so everybody could have the full story not just one side.. Originally Posted by Classy Cloe

I have a question Cloe. So would you only give negative reviews of clients that gave you a negative review. Or would you give a negative review to every client that didn't smell quite right, had a hairy back, bad breath, dead tooth, over weight, etc. etc.

What I would see as a result of doing either would not help your business. If you gave negative reviews to every guy you had trouble giving good service to because of something about them, I am quite sure that only totally confident guys would see you and some people wouldn't take the chance of seeing you for fear of what you might say about them. Now if you only did negative reviews of people who reviewed you negatively then every one would think that you were just vindictive. Then they wouldn't see you on the chance of you not giving good service but couldn't review you honestly for fear of a bad review in return. really a lose lose situation.

1Jannessa's Avatar
Thanks Safire Sweet. That is exactly the type of review I was speaking of! The questionaire you displayed would be fair for both parties (provider & client)
Rcoop361's Avatar
Well I would have to say I enjoyed getting the review of me and the whole thread was fun. But I can also see why most providers wouldn't want to do them, which is the same reason most won't list their fav clients for fear of hurting others egos.

but I do believe you ladies do have the ability to do so in your private area, hence a mini review and that's one referral that is given without you being bothered
i think posting reviews of clients would have too many negatives for both parties.
Obviously ladies can exchange info in the locker room about clients.
I think if you are a client and want feedback from a provider you saw,she should be able to privately send him a short review. I personally welcome comments so i know what to do differently to make me a better lover. Some men may not care for feedback,but some i think would welcome it,privately.
I am curious as to how many providers are willing to do this?
  • T-Can
  • 03-29-2011, 08:23 AM
I think a somewhat mini review should be included in every reference would be something like this :
did they arrive on time?:
Where the groomed and clean
where they discreet?
Did the try to haggle/over stay pass their time:
Where they gentle? :
Did the respect your boundary's:
Would you have a second visit with them?:

*** I do not think a review section for clients is at all a good idea
Safire Sweet Originally Posted by safire_sweet
Nicely done, Safire! You keep impressing me day by day!
This business, much like other business, only has reviews in one direction. You will find reviews of restaurants, salons, doctors, whatever services but you don't see reviews of the clients. So I doubt beside the word of mouth, client reviews will unlikely be happening.
darkchoc6's Avatar
I normally don't respond to too many posts but thought I'd put my 2 cents in here. I think diud-diud said it very well but I want to add to his point. Janessa, I can't speak for all clients but for me a bad review may not be the kiss of death some may think. I try to analyze the review to figure out what similarities there may be between the good reviews and the bad review. I know that sounds stupid but an example would be if the bad review said the client was upset about the cbj when all other reviews said bbbj. I would assume that the provider didn't not feel comfortable doing bbbj on him (Its her choice).

If there are several bad reviews and they all are complaining about the same thing or things, then that would make me think twice about seeing her. The best bet, as was mentioned earlier, is to not get caught up in defending oneself. There are enough clients here that give good reviews when warranted and those good reviews speak for themselves. Just my thoughts.