Are there things us guys should not put in the reviews?

My take is that if you ask me not to say we did something, then i'm not going to say anything about it in the review. If there was no discussion about not saying something then i'm discussing what we did in the review.

Guys appreciate the longer ones with details rather than "she's great. Very pretty. will see her again. the end.

Any different opinions?
I think be as honest and accurate as possible is key.

You can tell a story without being a disgusting pig who kisses and tells it all and potentially ruining a ladies business and reputation.

If she offers something special to you don't be a fucking prick and blab your mouth to the universe....don't you want that something special to stay that way?
Lol go girl. Keep preaching to the choir. Ain't no kissing n telling on this site....
Lol go girl. Keep preaching to the choir. Ain't no kissing n telling on this site.... Originally Posted by Tsmokies
I'm just being me,...same here as I am in person...some like it some hate it and others love it..

Fuck em if they don't lol. ..or maybe I won't. ..