Sad news posted on ASPD about Amber passing

LazurusLong's Avatar
CK1492 posted on ASPD:
BustyGirl, "Amber," our 'Mother Hen" who founded this site, has succumbed to her continuing illness and passed away.
No matter what anyone thinks of the site's current status, without ASPD being one of the longest lasting and valuable sites for data regarding the hobby, those who have been around a long time and who cut their teeth in the hobby BECAUSE of ASPD should join in mourning this loss.

And anyone who has benefited in any way from review boards such as ASPD or ECCIE even if you never met her should say a silent prayer of thanks for what she did to make ECCIE and other boards viable.
shooter6.5's Avatar
Amber was in a lot of pain and misery for a long time. The operation of the site will continue, she has had very little to do with the site on a personal basis for quite some time.

She is in a better place right now

RIP Amber
CassidyBlue's Avatar
Her contribution was and is invaluable...

RIP Amber
gman44's Avatar
My heart goes out to her family
chipper's Avatar
My thoughts and prayers are with her family. We all owe Mother Hen a special thanks for all her contributions to the Hobby.
Prayers for her family and close friends and a huge thank you for giving us these amazing sites so that we can contact each other.
TexRich's Avatar
Vaya Con Dios
LazurusLong's Avatar
It has barely been 5 days and Amber's mother is very upset at the lack of reaction to her passing and the lack of action on the staff's part in apparently doing what she asked.

And has threatened to let ASPD die also.

FieryJade may simply be lashing out and feeling very hurt but the next 2 weeks will be telling when it comes to the future of that site.