Excessive Communication w/ Providers?

Okay, this should be interesting.....

Guys, how many emails, text messages, and/or phone calls does it take for you to feel comfortable with seeing that provider? Do you prefer to continue to have a casual or erotic conversation with your ATFs between visits?

Ladies, where do you draw the line with the casual-erotic conversation with your clients between visits? Do you keep an open relationship with your cllients?

Where do the "business" and "pleasure" line lay?
B.Wayne's Avatar
This is how much of an idiot I am. It never even dawned on me. I just always emailed or pmed, or texted or called. I never considered this. But I guess I'm spoiled, she never indicated it was a bother to her. I'll have to keep that in mind from now on. Not that I am trying to be inconsiderate, I just forget alot of the time about being a client. I'm a friend first and client second. But that's just me. I appreciate her alot and as bad as it sounds to say maby I need a few bad experiences from other people to see just how spoiled I am. Not that I want that to happen but, things do happen.
Interesting question indeed. I do prefer good email/texting communication before first visit, to set the mood. But in between visits, totaly depends on much I have hit off with her.

I pretty much had to cut one off, because of disrespect factor, but another, love the emails/PMs when they come. So it all depends on individual.

But as with any relationship, proffessional or not, you got to know your boundaries I suppose, deal on individual basis, IMO.
Red Tex's Avatar
I had my ATF, Trinity Blak, tell me to shit or get off the pot about seeing her when she was indy! LOL

At least I had seen her twice when she was with PC, so I knew what I was getting, I was just being a tightwad.
To question 1: after seeing a good review and/or ad I like to talk to them on the phone first and work out the details. After the initial call I like to send text messages to confirm or get directions if I'm lost.

To question 2: I personally do, a well placed text during my hectic day can bring a smile to my face and fuel my impulse to go see her that night or during lunch.
Jaci's Avatar
  • Jaci
  • 03-26-2012, 12:00 AM
My self personaly believe communication is the key! I love phone banter between myself and my client whispers here and there make things a little hotter..............
Kisses, Jaci
~The Mistress Expeirence~
I'm always up for conversation prior to a visit.. and after..
I look at my clients as clients before I see them and FREINDS after a visit. So, I'm always up for a friendly conversation after we meet. Even some erotic texts back and forth to say he's thinking of me and I of him. If you're so busy that you can't make time to make the guy feel special, then, you should stop providing. Consider every single one of the gent's you see as a friend that you can talk to when they call. If the guy is up for you to call him, then do so. There is more to providing than just being a provider. You have to be a friend, lover, and more at all times to keep your clients coming back. If you just want to be a ONE timer then, do that. But, if you want to be successful and repetitive, then you have to go above and beyond the next lady on the board.

Your looks only get you so far and so much. Your personality, passion, and spirit will take you higher than you've ever imagined.
B.Wayne's Avatar
I just get lost sometimes and forget that I am not the only one she sees. So if I text or call and don't hear back, I'm pretty bad about thinking she is mad at me, as dumb as that sounds LOL. Makes me wonder how the popular and extremely busy or booked women find the balance. I really like getting texts or calls just for no reason other than to say hello and swap updates. Not just a week or day before and/or after I have visited. If nothing else I would hope she would walk away thinking I was a nice guy or find something she liked about ME personally and would like to see me again. But that's the trade off. Sometimes the busy ones can't do that all the time I don't imagine. How does one balance it all? It doesn't effect me seeing her again or not, I already have my mind made up, I just dont want to sound whiney asking if she's mad. LOL. I'm a dork like that.
I like to set up dates well in advance by using P411 so the provider can check my profile and references. After getting the OK then I will text her with my phone number. I am retired and no one else in the house so I can talk any time. I feel the provider has many other things going on so I await her call. I like to talk to the provider before meeting her to see if she has a sense of humor and most times we will talk for 30 or 45 minutes.
After the first date I try to send an email every week or two. Like has been said before we are now friends. Every provider I see commutates with me every week or two so we keep in touch that way. I don't like to phone as she may be busy. An email she can answer at her leisure.
Jaci's Avatar
  • Jaci
  • 03-26-2012, 05:34 AM
Amber Rain your in a class of your own...A true Sweetie!!!!1
Good thread, OP. I've seen both the lady and the gentleman take advantage of this.

On one hand, I understand the lady's position that every message could be a lead-in to a longer conversation that she will have to terminate somehow. That could be difficult. On the other hand, gentlemen, keep your messages short and sweet. Remember that these ladies have more than one client to correspond with. I've heard tell of gentlemen who find ladies on IM and just inundate them with messages. That's bad form, guys. Even your SO would get tired of that noise.

My policy is short, sweet, infrequent--but consistent--communication is the best.
Amber Rain your in a class of your own...A true Sweetie!!!!1
Kisses,Jaci Originally Posted by Jaci

You are too lady... sexy girl... thank you for the compliment... have a great week girl.. see you soon?
jrewing's Avatar
I like contact with some of my favorite ladies, but don't wear your welcome out, it's like buying a new vehicle, you have slammed every door and kicked every tire and asked all the dumb questions about every vehicle on the lot, finally at last you buy that vehicle, that does not give you the right to become a pest to the salesman and the dealership to come by drink coffee, empty your bladder or whatever, stand around in everyone's way, take your ass home or where ever you might want to go, just my thoughts, JR
There is more to providing than just being a provider.
Amen sista'!

Amber your wisdom is showing...


I enjoy a fair amount of communication before meeting...(if it's possible). I prefer to get a "feel" for who they are. It gets me excited and revved up. I love flirty texts and pic msgs before and after, during the week, etc.
Guys (and some women--->ME) are very visual, so a few hot pic msgs are always welcome!
I also love sending as well
u69too's Avatar
I have no problem with providers emailing me anytime. But unsolicitedText/phone calls do bother me.

Currently I have one provider who sends "out of the blue" text messages to me. They are just fun, sexy ones with nothing else intended. I look forward to receiving them (like a school girl with crush). Honestly, I send her many more text/emails than she sends me. I totally trust her so it works.