just droped in

FishFlats's Avatar
been busy.aint talked to no one,aint seen no one. pretty quiet.i do have a hard on for a new boat though...,lol.ya all have a good weekend and good holiday.
Hell's Bay, New Water Curlew?
FishFlats's Avatar
Beaver Tail,Ranger
Yanmaha? Carbon Fiber?
I have a Majek and a kayak, I flyfish only ( i like frustration?)
Yanmaha? Carbon Fiber?
I have a Majek and a kayak, I flyfish only ( i like frustration?) Originally Posted by perdido
I flyfish 95% of the time.......nothing like casting a fly in clear water to a tailing red or bone and watching the fish chase the fly, next thing you know, into the backing. Not much in this world is better......except that rare girl or two.
Good luck finding a bonefish to cast to in Corpitos...

(although when I was a kid I caught a skipjack and could swear it was a baby bone)

By the way, FishFlats I had a Ranger Ghost and loved it. Perfect for down here, never understood why more of the lures only guys didn't run Florida style boats in the Laguna. You see so much cool stuff from a poling platform.
I was on a huge school of reds yesterday.. I had a hell of a time getting them to take to anything while sight casting. A fly woudl of been perfect. I did land my limit on a gulp crab but it took some time.. shoot me a pm if you guys want to know where they are..