Why no Muslim outrage over pics of a Dead Gadhafi like it was over Bin-hiden


we see the video and dead body of Momar, where is the Muslim outrage??

I guess when they kill themselves its all good but if us Americans kill one we are scum???
  • Vyt
  • 10-21-2011, 11:22 AM
Because Gaddafi wasn't as popular.

You might see a bit (a tiny bit) if he isn't buried today, but he was crazy enough that pretty much everyone hated him except the impoverished African countries he poured bribe money into.
  • Booth
  • 10-21-2011, 04:37 PM
The Republicans are doing the complaining for them.
  • Meko
  • 10-21-2011, 05:34 PM
Actually as an american abroad..when I heard of his death people looked at me strange when I reacted to his death of "american questions" when was his trial..who decided he should die? They laughed and said they just killed him....Not saying that he wasnt jacked up but I thought there would be a little more politics to it????
GneissGuy's Avatar
Gaddafi was a strongman dictator who was unloved by everyone except his cronies. Even they were terrified of him.

Rightly or wrongly, quite a few people thought bin Laden was fighting for their freedom.
Slotgoop's Avatar
Gaddafi was killed by Muslim "freedom fighters" and not invaders from a foreign land. Peoples tend to be not so critical when their own heroes mess up.
Slotgoop, that is exactly the point. Thanks for beating me to it. Now it was a Preditor strike that "nabbed" the caravan, but it was Libyans who pulled him out and apparently executed him. Did foreigners kill him? It appears not.
unagi's Avatar
  • unagi
  • 10-26-2011, 11:52 AM
Both he and Hussain were secular leaders who suppressed Muslim groups as a threat to their power. They would put up some religious window dressing if it served their purpose (like most political leaders).
DTorrchia's Avatar
Well at least there's outrage from our home grown Muslims

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan said Tuesday that those rejoicing in the death of ousted Libyan leader Moammar Qaddafi will come to sorrow and predicted that the U.S. is unprepared for the looming backlash from his overthrow. Farrakhan told a Chicago radio station that Qaddafi's death was ``an assassination'' and laid it at the feet of the U.S., Great Britain and France.
``No one can trust the United Nations because it is a pawn of the Western world. No nation will give up their weapons of mass destruction like Qaddafi did, because it is the only protection they have against the wicked witches of the West.''

``It wasn't the money, but the principles that made me his brother,'' Farrakhan said.


It wasn't the money, but the principles that made you his brother Farrakhan? Yeah, Right! LOL