stupid question for providers

mychalday's Avatar
i've always been interested about female anatomy.
especially can a woman feel they difference when guy use condom and when guy doesn't use condom.
if there is difference then i guess the only time a girl can't tell is when drunk or high?

Hmmmmm Nice self - alert .
ThrillBill88's Avatar
Written at 3:59PM??? Sounds more like a 3:59 AM post.
sixxbach's Avatar
Written at 3:59PM??? Sounds more like a 3:59 AM post. Originally Posted by ThrillBill88

Imagine his 3:59am post lol

He could be a on a night shift schedule and 3:59pm is his 359am

At least the first part of the query is interesting. Even though I'm religious about protection, there is a definate difference in sensation for a guy. Given the affinity for toys by most ladies, I wonder if they feel a difference, setting aside the safety discussion, just asking about how it feels. Does a bare cock feel any better than a sheathed one? I dated one civilian lady that detested condoms, just hated them. Was she an anomoly?
I dated one civilian lady that detested condoms, just hated them. Was she an anomoly? Originally Posted by ThatHarleyGuy
Curious if she had that reaction to all condoms or just latex. I dated a civvie lady a few years back who had a latex allergy, so those were out but other materials were fine for her.
Women absolutely feel the difference just in internal heat transfer alone. They can also feel the cock throbbing when about to explode. All of my civie relationships have far preferred the real thing because they can indeed feel the difference. Perhaps not as profound a difference as for the guy.
i've always been interested about female anatomy.
especially can a woman feel they difference when guy use condom and when guy doesn't use condom.
if there is difference then i guess the only time a girl can't tell is when drunk or high?

hmmm Originally Posted by mychalday
About the only thing he left out was can she tell the difference while unconscious.
Well, the short answer is yes. Pussies know the difference, too. It's a very slight difference in the "drag". Does it feel better? It's mostly psychological, I think.

I personally can't do ribbed condoms, though. They do not feel good for me. Extra lubed, ultra thin condoms are better than the real thing, actually.
Hmmmmm Nice self - alert . Originally Posted by DIE HARD
Self alert? I think his bb reviews were his self alert.
mirandalee's Avatar
Yess there is a big difference, i hate condoms but that are needed i do NOT want to catch some shit that will not go away so condoms are a must. Some guys have told me they hate the wway it feels i just tell them u dont wanna feel the presence of the herps lol...

Of course theres a difference..
xxnubyxx's Avatar
Stick a finger up your hole and do it again with latex gloves... if you can feel the difference than you know the answer
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 07-29-2012, 04:41 PM
Mmmmm nothing the smell of latex in the morning...

Smells like...Victory...