**Spoiler Alert** Man of Steel (The movie you perverts)

Adabear's Avatar
OK, I am gonna assume a lot of you have seen it already. What did you think? Was the reboot successful? My thoughts:

1. He seems to scream in anger a lot. I get where they were trying to go but, not what I really expected.

2. The Superman does not kill people was blown out of the water in amazing style. I hate to see him kill but, that was AWESOME

3. I did not like the "new" Lois Lane

4. Zod was played well.

5. Overall, I think it was a good movie and loved the drifter type scenes. Could be the start of a nice reboot.
Abigail (Source of JOY)'s Avatar
Going to see it today...

I have heard mixed reviews, so trying to keep an open mind... will report back tonight what I think.
pyramider's Avatar
I will wait for the porn parody.
I avoided reviews for that purpose - sometimes they set your mind automatically to like/dislike something.

Anyhow, I liked the movie quite a bit. I am a big comics fan, but not a Superman fan in particular. I liked the 'flashback' scenes the best, especially in regard to exploring more of the alien vs. human conflict within Superman, and the concept of 'otherness'. I thought the depictions of Ma and Pa Kent were great without being hokey (sometimes falls into that category hehe).

I liked the Krypton scenes a lot, very pretty, and I thought Russel Crowe did a great job. The fighting style and armor looks to Zod's crew looked awesome. I think they could have left out the whole magnet gravity thingie...didn't add a lot and they could have achieved the same plot points in a more straightforward way.

Lois was ok. She had more promise at the beginning when she had some good Lois-y lines, but then towards the end it was more of the damsel in distress, wide-eyed and pretty. Lois needs to be uber-sassy and witty, so I wish they had stayed with that.....bleh. Her acting was fine, but the writing failed her.

The actor for the adolescent Clark is from Houston and they set it up so he was actually at our screening with a bunch of his family. They did a Q&A afterwards and talked some about how the movie was made, what it was like to work with the other actors, etc. We didn't know beforehand, so that was pretty fun!
pyramider's Avatar
LV is waiting for a man of steel.
LV is waiting for a man of steel. Originally Posted by pyramider
Sounds like a combo porn version of this movie + the documentary.

Interestingly, the movie is at a 57% on RottenTomatoes, but scoring an A/A- with cinemascore from audience members. I see a lot of critique on how the movie isn't 'fun' enough, but that does seem to be more about expectations about the movie rather than the movie itself. Not sure what to think about it.
Abigail (Source of JOY)'s Avatar

Here is my take on it....

It had an absolutely stellar cast!!!

However, the flashbacks were cool but felt there were just too many of them.
Zod is an angry dude!
I would have liked to see Zod's chick die with a little more oommph.
Felt that some parts drug out a little too long.

All in all... the tingling sensation between my legs from the unbelievably hot Superman forces me to give this movie a thumbs up...
loveitdou's Avatar
Yes Abby now you know what you do for us Mongers+

I'm forcing myself to keep this short, but I wanted to retort on some points mentioned above.

1. Superman screaming and showing emotion in general gives me a feeling that he is all new at this. Having these powers and able to finally release and find out what you can do must be incredibly liberating. Also, people are attacking his family on earth, who also happen to be responsible for killing his biological parents. He hasn't become a seasoned veteran yet, he hasn't had time to adjust. It's raw, and he conveys that very well!

2. Since the point above about "alien vs. human" was made I think it's also worth noting that this is probably why there were so many flashbacks. It gave you a chance to see what he was thinking, or where the coming judgement was coming from. I found myself wondering how he would handle something, saw the flashback, and had my own idea to pull from. Point served.

3. Cast. I completely, and totally agree. When I heard Russel Crowe as Jor-El and Kevin Costner as Daddy Kent, I was sold. Crowe has this majestic voice and presence when he's not throwing phones at people in Australia. So it was perfect that he'd play Superman's dad. Kevin Costner just seems like a regular guy, come as it may, down to earth man regardless of what Waterworld tried to sell you. Again, perfect to be the person to give Clark his sense of humanity. Zod, incredible. That actor who's name slips my mind is just great. He's been just in crazy films and played crazy characters but he has chops as a legit actor. When he's serious, you know it. And did anyone else notice Morpheus and Commander Loch? Lol

All in all, this movie blew my doors off. I loved it for the experience and emotional strings it pulled. Christian Bale is my Batman, and Henry Cavill is my Superman. Also, I'm 28 so I remember Michael Keaton and Christoper Reeves. There's a place in my heart for those guys, but never has a character been given so much life.
General Zod was too wooden for me. The only time I had any level of belief in his character was towards the end, when he's picking up dust in his hand, talking about how he was born with a predetermination to protect/preserve Krypton at all costs. Michael Shannon is the actor's name. He's fine, but he's always playing the same character from what I've seen. I would have preferred someone with more range. I preferred Terance Stamp's General Zod much more. But, it was a different take on it.

Amy Adams is way better than fucking Margot Kidder. She did need better lines. Her being put in the middle of the action in various scenes felt forced, but that's movie land.

The fight scene between Zod and Superman was not good. It reminded me of the fight scene in Matrix 3 between Neo and Anderson. Two virtually indestructible beings going at it for too long. No real drama in it. The snapping of the neck was a big "what the fuck?" moment for me.

Alternatively, the fight scene between alien chick and Superman was a lot of fun.

Agree completely with LV regarding the gravity bullshit. Just come in with bad intentions trying to take over the Earth. The gravity shit sucked.

I thought the atmosphere explanation for why Superman's powers weaken vis a vis Kryptonite was pretty well done. Not sure how they're going to handle the kryptonite stuff in the future.

I liked the organicness of the alien technology. From the gray steel pin constructs on Krypton, to the various space craft --- both inside and outside --- to a lot of the armor, it had a lot of Giger inspiration to it.

Weird they made it where Lois Lane knows that Clark Kent is really Superman. That's a pretty big departure.

The product placements cracked me up.

Costner and Crowe definitely helped make the film for me. I want Crowe to narrate my life. If I had one worth narrating, that is.

Overall, I thought the movie was a lot of fun.
Watch Michael Shannon in Bad Boys 2 and then realize that's the same guy playing General Zod. He was one of the KKK members that the duo took for interrogation. Thanks for the name, too lazy to imdb, lol.
1) better than I thought it would be
2) there should be a law against redoing origin stories a million times
3) lois lane was a skank
4) liked the guy, liked the mindless violence
5) just OK, not great.
DarthMaul's Avatar
I saw it at that new Paladium theatre on Hwy 99 in Richmond. Best way to watch a movie, yet. The movie itself I would give a 8 out of 10. The fighting scenes were sometimes to "over the top". I liked the fact that he tried to hide who he was.

Don't want to give away anything so I will stop it there.

jbravo_123's Avatar
Overall, I thought it was a bad comic book movie in that it wasn't lighthearted fun nor did it follow the standard progression of your normal comic book movie.

However, if you take it as just a movie, then I thought it was pretty good.

General Zod was too wooden for me. The only time I had any level of belief in his character was towards the end, when he's picking up dust in his hand, talking about how he was born with a predetermination to protect/preserve Krypton at all costs. Michael Shannon is the actor's name. He's fine, but he's always playing the same character from what I've seen. I would have preferred someone with more range. I preferred Terance Stamp's General Zod much more. But, it was a different take on it.

Amy Adams is way better than fucking Margot Kidder. She did need better lines. Her being put in the middle of the action in various scenes felt forced, but that's movie land.

The fight scene between Zod and Superman was not good. It reminded me of the fight scene in Matrix 3 between Neo and Anderson. Two virtually indestructible beings going at it for too long. No real drama in it. The snapping of the neck was a big "what the fuck?" moment for me.

Alternatively, the fight scene between alien chick and Superman was a lot of fun.

Agree completely with LV regarding the gravity bullshit. Just come in with bad intentions trying to take over the Earth. The gravity shit sucked.

I thought the atmosphere explanation for why Superman's powers weaken vis a vis Kryptonite was pretty well done. Not sure how they're going to handle the kryptonite stuff in the future.

I liked the organicness of the alien technology. From the gray steel pin constructs on Krypton, to the various space craft --- both inside and outside --- to a lot of the armor, it had a lot of Giger inspiration to it.

Weird they made it where Lois Lane knows that Clark Kent is really Superman. That's a pretty big departure.

The product placements cracked me up.

Costner and Crowe definitely helped make the film for me. I want Crowe to narrate my life. If I had one worth narrating, that is.

Overall, I thought the movie was a lot of fun. Originally Posted by proudoftexas
Yeah, the terraforming part could have been taken out and the movie would've been just fine.

Superman fighting the Ursa analog was hilarious to me too - it really showed how someone who's actually trained to fight + having Kryptonian powers can pound the crap out of Superman since he's so used to just relying on his natural powers to win fights.

I'm torn on the Kryptonian technology. It does look very organic, which gives it a much darker look which works for this darker movie. It's very different from the comics / previous movies where Kryptonian tech is very crystal based.

I did like the new justification for Kryptonite as well.

I don't mind that Lois knows who Clark is. That's actually how it was in the comics for quite awhile (before the new 52 reboot).

The arctic base scene was really surreal to me as we had Elliot Stabler, Toby Zeigler, and Felix Gaeta all in the same room.
Yea! Lol. First thing I said was, "Hey! Stabler!" I miss him on SVU. I followed him all the way from Oz on HBO. In fact, several guys from Oz have been on SVU.

Side note: Mariska Hargitay would get it.