Two Girls; One Night (Amber and SexyAngel)

GIRL #1: SexyAngelBaby (SAB) 518-380-1547 140/hh.

I wanted to see her based on the many positive reviews. She wasn't answering my calls, but was texting. I was worried about a no-show, but she eventually met me at her place.

Fast-forward: She lies down in bed but immediately gets up and runs to the bathroom to puke STAFF EDIT.

She was sweaty before we started. She didn't seem healthy. Didn't help we're in a downtown section-8 slum. She said the place belongs to another girl (who I passed, and could easily be mistaken for a street-walker).

SAB was friendly enough, but didn't seem genuine.

She was diligent with her bbbj, although the finish was more in the hand than mouth. Her panties never came off.

I usually prefer providers without STAFF EDIT.

GIRL #2: Amber

Ph: 860-929-2062 special rate/hh (quoted 160)

So after contracting STAFF EDIT, I needed to get another release. I went home and burned my clothes (or should have), and started playing my favorite late-night game, Backpage Roulette. Finally I got a live one. Right off 890. She sends a few face pictures. Wow, really cute. She sounds cute too.

So off I go, STAFF EDIT and all. And in a short time, I'm at a what-the-fuck-is-this-place motel. Girl says she is going to come out to meet me. I hear a girl talking outside. And I see her talking with a (to use the Baltimore-riots term) "thug" look-alike. And now I'm not sure what to do. I'm standing there at the end of the walkway, and they must see me. He must see me. She must see me. Yet no acknowledgment from either at all. Huh? Am I wearing an invisibility cloak? Or is she not the right girl? I'm envisioning scenarios that have me and Thug interacting. They're not good visions.

They separate - she goes one way, Thug goes the other way. (Turns out, he's just her harmless neighbor.) My invisibility cloak disappears and she comes down my way. Wow. She's really cute. Small. Pictures always make girls seem so much BIGGER than they really are. And why does she use 29 as her age? She could EASILY pass for 21. She may be the first over-21 Backpage girl to lie about being older. She walks me to her room. She's very friendly. Offers me soda. Gets a cup, cleans it out (it was new anyways), and pours me a drink. Sweet girl. (IN MY HEAD: Wait, are there STAFF EDIT in here? I could pass out and be robbed. Don't be a paranoid retard. No there aren't. She poured herself a cup too. But she's not drinking it. There's other bottles. This would be some elaborate plan to STAFF EDIT someone. You're an idiot.)

She says she'll be right back. Huh? Goes for the money. Oh no. Here we go. She only takes 20 and leaves. Ok. I'm alone in her room. All her stuff is here. Even her purse and phone. I just watch Louis CK on TV. She knows a good show. I'm still waiting. I see a knife by the bed. OK. If Thug comes in, at least I'll be ready. She comes back. Had to check on laundry. No big deal.

Then she goes into the bathroom for a while. Oh, no. Here we go again. I know this drill. But nope, it's not STAFF EDIT. She's actually on the toilet. I guess that's good. No need to leave just yet. Just be patient. She finally exits the bathroom, sans pants.

She tells me stories about her life. She's very new to the business. I like her. She's genuine. Limited tattoos. One on her foot. She is the girl in the pictures. Great squeezable ass!! Petite body. Soft, but sexy. Not trash. A real girl. She's maybe 5'0. Shorty. Really cute. BBBJ. Kissing. GFE. Non-clock-watcher. A total TOFTT success.

Amber is a definite recommend. Very pretty and friendly. That's the irony of the hobby. There's no sure thing, good or bad. You just have to keep at it, and the hobby eventually rewards you. Most TOFTT'S are decidedly mediocre, but every once in a while, a girl surprises you in a good way.
reaper302's Avatar
How is this a request. Shouldn't this be in the review section. Or are we just playing games again. Just wondering.
How is this a request. Shouldn't this be in the review section. Or are we just playing games again. Just wondering. Originally Posted by reaper302
Sorry, maybe it can be moved. I'm new here.
Sorry, maybe it can be moved. I'm new here. Originally Posted by Zippity

Just how many times are you going to resurface with NEW handles ?? But your post content is always the same bullshit - lies, slander, crap. WTF is your problem ??
I'm not doubting his experience with SAB cuz I had a terrible experience with her as well. I'm not doing a review on it because I dont want to slam a girl while she is down, and she requested I not
DDarkness's Avatar

Read your PM's

All the RED STAFF EDITS make this seem much worse than it was meant to be. Clearly I wasn't being literal. It was a mediocre visit with SAB, not awful but not great.

Fuck it, just ban me. What's the point of sharing info if I'm just going to get attacked by pedants, Frank-obsessors, and white-knighters.
  • bam71
  • 05-29-2015, 04:25 PM
Who mentioned Frank? Oh yea you did! Been on here short time but know about Frank? Something weird going on Again.
Attack of the Frank-Zombies! Once they think you're infected with Frank, the Zombie-Killers attack!! Better watch out, because anyone could be Frank! Dddnnnnt, dddnnnnt...Frank-Zombies are coming to get you all!

It's World War Frank!
Hi Frank. How have you been?
Hello Jason. I've been good. Thanks for asking.
Well now thats interesting. You claim to be new around here yet you bring up the name Jason? He hasn't been around for a while yet you claim to be "new". Hmmm...
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Who is Jason?
Jason is a hobbyist who was obsessed with SAB and had multiple handles here just like Franky Boy here. So the reference to Jason infers that I am him, which I'm not and everyone knows it. Kind of weird that a "new guy" would know about him isn't it?
  • bam71
  • 05-30-2015, 03:21 PM
It is rather strange that a newbie knows about Frank/Trebark unless he is Frankie P / Treebark. Makes a person wonder!! So Frank are you back?