I can't take this shit much more!!

Loki Pk's Avatar
I have been abstaining from sex as I have a PSA test in the morning.... Been almost a fucking week and I think I'm gonna fucking explode from ESB... (excessive Sperm Build-up).

This is almost more than I can tolerate! I am so addicted to sex, times like these are pure torture! Not even a MP handy until 10am tomorrow!
I don't think I can make it!
Hope I have time tomorrow to pull off 2 dates before work! I already have 2 booked for Wednesday....but this waiting is killing me!!

This getting old shit is for the birds!

What the hell is a psa test? Regardless, I hope I'm never that old. That said I think I'll go rub one out before my date tonight.
Hobby1750's Avatar
PSA is bullshit. Do your research before anything if levels are high. There's no correlation to cancer. Just a way for doctors to make money.
Loki Pk's Avatar
PSA is bullshit. Do your research before anything if levels are high. There's no correlation to cancer. Just a way for doctors to make money. Originally Posted by Hobby1750
Research is all over the fucking board. I pop a nut probably 6-7x's week...sometimes more...rarely less. So whenever I get a PSA it is always high. So I figured I would try to go in with a week of no sex and see.

Last time I saw a urologist they wanted to do a PM biopsy....I'm not even 50...no fucking needles in my taint, thank you very much! Heading to a new Dr in the AM so we shall see.

PSA is bullshit. Do your research before anything if levels are high. There's no correlation to cancer. Just a way for doctors to make money. Originally Posted by Hobby1750

While performing a PSA ( prostate specific antigen ) blood test that measures blood levels of certain proteins that are released by your prostate is NOT a 100% indicator that there may be cancer, it IS a relatively simple test for a man to take and just may give your doctor a basis to monitor your prostate.
I am 65 and have been going to a urologist since I was 40. My doctor did in fact monitor my PSA test results over these many years . An when my PSA numbers did rise , he had me repeat the blood test 6 months later just to be on the safe side. YES there can be reasons for higher than normal numbers. One reason , as my friend Loki stated is ejaculation soon before the actual blood draw. I found this out myself after abstaining for only 3 days before the test and my numbers were higher than normal. Then just last month I also abstained for an entire week before the blood drawer to insure an accurate reading.
And by the way, three years ago my doctor was concerned by my PSA numbers fluctuating up and down all over the place for a three year period . He advised me to have a biopsy - and that biopsy came back POSITIVE for stage 1 prostate cancer. I had surgery -radioactive seed implanted directly into my prostate followed up by 5 weeks of daily external radiation treatments. My cancer is now gone .
So please before you declare that " PSA is bullshit ", perhaps it is better to advise each man to consult with their own doctor/urologist and do their own research .
Research is all over the fucking board. I pop a nut probably 6-7x's week...sometimes more...rarely less. So whenever I get a PSA it is always high. So I figured I would try to go in with a week of no sex and see.

Last time I saw a urologist they wanted to do a PM biopsy....I'm not even 50...no fucking needles in my taint, thank you very much! Heading to a new Dr in the AM so we shall see.

PK Originally Posted by Loki Pk

I'm glad that you're getting this test done . And as we discussed a while ago, the 7 days with no ejaculation worked for me to insure a more accurate reading. Are you looking forward to the finger rectal exam as well ??? LOL. If only my urologist was a young , good looking woman . LOL
Regardless, I hope I'm never that old. Originally Posted by Duckduckgoose1977
Enjoy the alternative....
Hobby1750's Avatar

By saying PSA is bullshit, here is some official corroborating evidence. Although the biopsy may have detected stage 1 cancer, it's very slow growing. Radiation is more damaging.

I'm just saying doctors aren't always about helping. The more they do, the more money they make. If everyone were healthy, doctors would have no income. Don't trust the first opinion. Life without a prostate isn't fun.

I think this report attached is as damning as it gets. For every guy it actually helps, a great amount it hurts. That's not a good outcome.

By saying PSA is bullshit, here is some official corroborating evidence. Although the biopsy may have detected stage 1 cancer, it's very slow growing. Radiation is more damaging.

I'm just saying doctors aren't always about helping. The more they do, the more money they make. If everyone were healthy, doctors would have no income. Don't trust the first opinion. Life without a prostate isn't fun.

I think this report attached is as damning as it gets. For every guy it actually helps, a great amount it hurts. That's not a good outcome. Originally Posted by Hobby1750

A simple blood test is a very painless event that may give your doctor/urologist information over a period of time that JUST MAY lead to the early detection of prostate cancer. That PSA blood test, combined with a digital rectal exam to feel for an enlarged prostate or any abnormal growths. Not all prostate problems can be felt by this rectal exam.
Most doctors will suggest to their male patients that a PSA test and rectal exam be done for men once they are 40. And perhaps at an earlier age and more frequently if the patient exhibits and symptoms of prostate or bladder issues , or if there is a family history of prostate cancer.
Most doctors will suggest that you may want to get a second opinion from another doctor or specialist ( urologist ). And many insurance companies will pay for that second opinion.
Most cancers , if detected in Stage 1, have a much greater chance of being cured or at least controlled. Some prostate cancers are indeed slow growing, and many men will die WITH prostate cancer rather than FROM prostate cancer. Perhaps if I was 70 or 75 or older instead of 65 , I would have chosen the option of doing nothing and just monitor my PSA numbers and rectal exams. But my wife and I met with my urologist and the radiation oncologist and we all agreed that my best option was to have the radioactive seed implantation surgery followed up by 5 weeks of daily external radiation. Other options are 9 weeks of daily radiation ( and no seed implantation ), and complete removal of the prostate ( major surgery ). There was NO way that , at my age, I would want to knowingly have a cancer in my prostate that MAY
possibly develop into Stage 2, 3, or 4, and do NOTHING. And for those men that are in their 40s or 50s,or 60s, I just can't believe that they wouldn't take the effort to have a PSA blood test and yearly rectal exam.
I had an earlier biopsy because my urologist was concerned about my rising PSA numbers. While a biopsy is for sure a very uncomfortable procedure, to me it was worth the few days of being uncomfortable after it was done. That first biopsy of 12 samples taken from different areas of my prostate came back negative for cancer. Then a few years later, my PSA numbers again began to fluctuate so much that my urologist again recommended another biopsy. I am very fortunate that I have a urologist that I have been seeing for 20 + years and who I have the utmost trust in. This time he recommended that 18 samples be taken in the biopsy instead of 12. Again the discomfort of having 18 snips of tissue removed from your prostate is there as well as the few days of discomfort afterwards. This time the results came back that cancer WAS found in 2 of these snips from different locations of my prostate that were determined to be categorized as Stage 1.
While your claim that SOME Stage 1 prostate cancers are " slow growing " may be true, there is a test that can be done with the cancerous tissue called the Gleason Score . The pathologist examines the tissue and determines the AGGRESSIVENESS of his exam and assigns 2 numbers . Those numbers show whether it is of little danger of spreading quickly, or may be of intermediate or high risk of spreading quickly. My numbers were bordering on intermediate to high, so I chose to take corrective action.
I won't go into detail of the actual seed implant procedure and the follow up external radiation treatments , or the side effects after I underwent all this. And my side effects lasted 4 months after my last radiation treatment and were often unpleasant .
I still continue to go to my urologist every 6 months for a PSA blood test and a rectal exam. BUT so far my PSA numbers and rectal exams show NO signs of my cancer having returned.
I personally think it a foolish decision NOT to have the PSA blood test and rectal exam. But this is a personal choice for each of us to make. You have chosen not to and nothing I say or that other research has shown may change your mind.
Hobby1750's Avatar
The link I attached isn't open for debate: they answered the debate! PSA-based procedures aren't necessary.

I have no problem with blood tests/digital exams. I've had both, and neither have side effects. But I have a problen with doing proactive treatments which have REAL side effects versus the POTENTIAL side effects down the road of a cancer.

It's like having a tooth pulled because of a cavity which may get infected if it gets worse. The cavity may get worse, or it may not. But if you pull the tooth, it's a GUARANTEE I'll have no tooth and will have to deal with a whole set of new issues which weren't necessary, when I could have just waited.

I'm glad Loki broached this topic. I hope that link enlightens some to avoid a future mistake. Please be mindful doctors MAKE MONEY by doing procedures/tests/visits/etc. They make NO MONEY telling a patient you can wait, that it's not a big deal.

If you don't think money affects a lot of doctors' decision making, you don't know doctors.
crazy2old's Avatar
If you doctor does recommend a biopsy. Ask about a PCA test first. It is a urine analysis . Dr massages your prostate (check you copay for that..LOL! ) then you pee. The lab results take a week or so, but it is a better indicator before the biopsy.
Speaking from experience..

Good luck...
The link I attached isn't open for debate: they answered the debate! PSA-based procedures aren't necessary.

I have no problem with blood tests/digital exams. I've had both, and neither have side effects. But I have a problen with doing proactive treatments which have REAL side effects versus the POTENTIAL side effects down the road of a cancer.

It's like having a tooth pulled because of a cavity which may get infected if it gets worse. The cavity may get worse, or it may not. But if you pull the tooth, it's a GUARANTEE I'll have no tooth and will have to deal with a whole set of new issues which weren't necessary, when I could have just waited.

I'm glad Loki broached this topic. I hope that link enlightens some to avoid a future mistake. Please be mindful doctors MAKE MONEY by doing procedures/tests/visits/etc. They make NO MONEY telling a patient you can wait, that it's not a big deal.

If you don't think money affects a lot of doctors' decision making, you don't know doctors. Originally Posted by Hobby1750

Comparing a cavity possibly getting worse and pulled to the possibility of having a cancer that MAY progress and MAY end your life is ridiculous . And of course I realize that doctors make money. My urologist DID tell me to wait both before and after my first biopsy while my PSA numbers were fluctuating. If you truly believe that YOUR doctors are giving you advice based strictly on greed to make more money, and you have no faith or trust in YOUR doctors, then you need to find some new doctors. Are you that scared / fearful to have to deal with potential side effects that may arise from any medical procedure ? While my side effects lasted a bit longer than many men experience with the exact same procedures that I had, I have NO regrets of my choice to do this.
Hobby1750's Avatar
Sorry Rodosh, I didn't mean to rile you up. It's all a personal decision. I figured I'd just share what information my research turned up. To each their own...

Good luck Loki with whatever decision you make. Let's hope all tests well the first time around!
Loki Pk's Avatar
I was up all night studying!! I hope I passed

Seriously, we shall see how it all shakes out, but there IS a great deal of debate regarding the PSA tests these days. Education, information and a good doctor/patient rapport goes a long way.
Not every test or treatment is right for ALL guys but vigilance and awareness could save a life.

Like I said before....not too eager to get a biopsy anytime soon. So we shall see. For the first time in forever I actually didn't pop a nut 6-7 days before this test so I am eager to hear the results. I let y'all know the results soon enough .

irnshank's Avatar
Now for the post test celebration. Who's lucky lady who is going to met with a geyser shot? Should be a spectacular mess...enjoy!