Covid 19 @ the Strip Club

My Question for everyone...

If you know of a Club in the area where several people have tested positive for Covid-19, would you like to know which club?

I know of one club but I don't know if it is okay to post on this site.
TomCollins's Avatar
I saw that Bombshells in Dallas was shutting down for a while due to several employees catching it. I don’t know how closely they are connected to Silver City in terms of interaction between staff and customers.
billw1032's Avatar
Well, the Forum Guidelines say this, but it specifically says "another person's medical condition". It's not clear if it applies to multiple unidentified persons at a particular facility. Yes I would want to know, but my guess is you would be treading on thin ice.

#15 - Posting about/Speculating about another person's medical condition is strictly forbidden. If a member encounters a medical issue and would like to get feedback from others or share it with the community, this would be allowed, but under no circumstances is a member to discuss or state anything about another member in this regard, unless it is in response to a question posed by that member.
Is the club a member here?
I don't know if this club is a member here or not but I was told by many people at this Ft. Worth club that several have tested positive. They were all missing from work this week. I guess I should leave it at that so I can stay out of trouble. I will not be going back anytime soon...
So Bucks Cab in Dallas has at least one confirmed case of a waitress with the virus. This I know for sure. Rumor is Bucks FW has some cases among the staff as well but I cannot confirm this as fact.
mtabsw's Avatar
There was a Rent's Due!! virus sweeping thru BFW the first week of June.
  • mb60
  • 06-17-2020, 05:37 PM
I don't know if this club is a member here or not but I was told by many people at this Ft. Worth club that several have tested positive. They were all missing from work this week. I guess I should leave it at that so I can stay out of trouble. I will not be going back anytime soon... Originally Posted by LookOutNow
I have heard the same about the club in Ft Worth.
Shep3.0's Avatar
If you are old and unhealthy. Stay home. I have 2 hobbyist friends hospitalized w Covid. This shit is real...

Been to 2 clubs since reopening and it's business as usual. At Bucks Dallas, they took away bar stools at the bar. It's only noticeable difference. Lodge VIP is same.
I've heard the rumor about a popular club on this forum, but it was in Dallas, not Tarrant.

The rumor comes from someone who is quite familiar with the staff and management at that club.

It doesn't surprise me at all, considering when the club reopened for business, pretty much all the protective measures the club tried to install were pretty much ignored by staff and management.

I generally don't get critical of my fellow hobbyist and the provider community, because we're all different. Having tracked data on the virus the last couple of months, there were certain things evident to me. Without going into detail, I felt you have to be crazy to session with a provider during these times.

I'm still not touching another human being, let alone letting one grind on me or more, for at least another month or two.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Well, the Forum Guidelines say this, but it specifically says "another person's medical condition". It's not clear if it applies to multiple unidentified persons at a particular facility. Yes I would want to know, but my guess is you would be treading on thin ice.

#15 - Posting about/Speculating about another person's medical condition is strictly forbidden. If a member encounters a medical issue and would like to get feedback from others or share it with the community, this would be allowed, but under no circumstances is a member to discuss or state anything about another member in this regard, unless it is in response to a question posed by that member. Originally Posted by billw1032
That guideline is for members talking about other members and naming their handle associated with the medical speculation. But like all the guidelines of this site, all can be interpreted by a mod how he sees fit.

As I have stated before about strip clubs and covid-19, many of the strip club clients are old and out of shape, and no doubt, most of them are going to have health issues. Obviously, social distancing is not practiced at strip clubs and if you are healthy going into one, you may not be coming out, then you pass it on to your family at home. All it takes is ONE asymptomatic dancer and you are done. So, if you get covid-19 because you just had to go, then it is your own fault.
billw1032's Avatar
That guideline is for members talking about other members and naming their handle associated with the medical speculation. But like all the guidelines of this site, all can be interpreted by a mod how he sees fit. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
Actually, that rule is ambiguous. Notice that the first sentence says: "Posting about/Speculating about another person's medical condition is strictly forbidden." But later on it says this: "...but under no circumstances is a member to discuss or state anything about another member in this regard, unless it is in response to a question posed by that member."

So, which is it? Another person or another member? As you say, I think it depends on the mod's interpretation at the time. That's why I said I think posting about the club would be skating on thin ice, because who knows how a mod would interpret it? That is, assuming you've seen a mod around these parts lately. In past times, I've seen guys avoid discussing AMP girls for fear of violating this rule, and would only give details by PM. I'm pretty sure the AMP girls are not members here, or they may be but they don't want to be identified as such. I don't recall if anyone ran afoul of the rule by discussing such a case.

If it were me, I might be inclined to go ahead and name the club but not name any individuals. But I wouldn't miss this site for a short vacation anyway. It's not all that useful any more. Maybe I could use the time I spend here more productively.

*Edit* By the way, I've been thinking lately about going back to my favorite club and checking out how things are, but technically I'm sure I fall into the high risk group being over a certain age and having certain underlying conditions (although they are well under control). I feel perfectly healthy and active, so it's hard to convince myself I need to stay away, but it's probably best for me to wait a while.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Actually, that rule is ambiguous. Notice that the first sentence says: "Posting about/Speculating about another person's medical condition is strictly forbidden." But later on it says this: "...but under no circumstances is a member to discuss or state anything about another member in this regard, unless it is in response to a question posed by that member."

So, which is it? Another person or another member? As you say, I think it depends on the mod's interpretation at the time. That's why I said I think posting about the club would be skating on thin ice, because who knows how a mod would interpret it? That is, assuming you've seen a mod around these parts lately. In past times, I've seen guys avoid discussing AMP girls for fear of violating this rule, and would only give details by PM. I'm pretty sure the AMP girls are not members here, or they may be but they don't want to be identified as such. I don't recall if anyone ran afoul of the rule by discussing such a case.

If it were me, I might be inclined to go ahead and name the club but not name any individuals. But I wouldn't miss this site for a short vacation anyway. It's not all that useful any more. Maybe I could use the time I spend here more productively.

*Edit* By the way, I've been thinking lately about going back to my favorite club and checking out how things are, but technically I'm sure I fall into the high risk group being over a certain age and having certain underlying conditions (although they are well under control). I feel perfectly healthy and active, so it's hard to convince myself I need to stay away, but it's probably best for me to wait a while. Originally Posted by billw1032
Yep, on Eccie, it has always been interpretation of a guideline, so depending upon the mod and his mood, so is the interpretation. And let's not forget, it is not the opinion expressed, but the member expressing the opinion that is the key on mod action/inaction.

It does not matter how healthy you are or think you are. What matters is the asymptomatic dancer who has the virus, gives you up close lapdances, breathes all over, talks to you with the infected droplets of her you breathe in, then in a few days, maybe you do become ill, and/or you pass it to a family member at home and make them sick. To me, it is not worth it.
I know a dancer at BDD had it, but was asymptomatic. I don't know if she danced with it or not, but to me its not worth putting myself or family/friends at risk.
If you are old and unhealthy. Stay home. I have 2 hobbyist friends hospitalized w Covid. This shit is real...

Been to 2 clubs since reopening and it's business as usual. At Bucks Dallas, they took away bar stools at the bar. It's only noticeable difference. Lodge VIP is same. Originally Posted by Shep3.0
Conversely, even if you are healthy, everyone knows the risks by now. We need to open society and get back to living!

I went to The Men's Club this week and it was lightly populated. However, a dancer was there I know and she and I were both sick of the quarantine and were close and no one in the club was wearing a mask and no one cared.

I take very careful care of myself and I'm not in the danger zone for age. I know the risks and for me they are very low because I need no medications, all my blood work comes back normal and I work out religiously in addition to a strict diet.

If I get it I will beat it but others should be cautious based upon their risk factors.

My main worry would be passing it to loved ones though they are all very healthy and not in the dangerous ages, except my mother and father in their 70's so I do not get within 6 feet of them.