What's up GeniusMan/ Do you have a scam that lets you get discounts you don't reflect in your reviews?

Whispers's Avatar
From another thread.. I don't want to turn her party celebration into a clusterfuck but something I've been wondering for a long time was just brought out possibly......

GenuisMan, I will not sweep it under the rug. You can stop calling me and posting my pics on my reviews. I don't care. The way you tried to portray my dog biting you so hard that you were going to bruise and needed discounted sexual favors is disgusting!

Seems pretty Despicable.... If it works I'm gonna stop by, pinch the mutt and settle for a blowNgo.....

I invited you into my place and fed you and catered to you and have always given you a great rate based on the idea that you were in someway handicapped BUT you aren't!

This is something a few of us have talked about as well as suspected for a long time..... That he is not paying posted rates and trading on something that lets him more sessions than his position might let him afford.

You are manipulative and mean! Never ever expect kindness from me again. And no, I wasn't intoxicated enough to be mistaken brother. You know that. So please try me, I'm still sober enough to tell it like it is.... Originally Posted by Maxeen Monroe
I read and appreciated a lot of his reviews until I started socializing and met him as well as became aware of some things....

Then I started scratching my head and wondering how the hell he could afford to see so many of ya'll....

His Reviews are always positive.... He has no "preference" it would seem.... Old, Young, Fat, Slender, Tall or short, any race..... Any price Range.........

But I guess if he is manipulating discounts it would explain the always positive reviews......

I used to think it was tied to his picture posting service.........

I'm glad to see a Provider step forward and clarify something mre than a few had suspected.....

It's went on for a long time based on a conversation I had with a provider back in the ASPD days. Now that Maxeen's come out with it, I am sure she will get some PM's from others who have experienced similar incidents. Genius, the gig is up.
  • Booth
  • 02-09-2011, 10:38 PM
I'll miss the Cap. Metro reviews.
gman44's Avatar
From another thread.. I don't want to turn her party celebration into a clusterfuck but something I've been wondering for a long time was just brought out possibly......

I read and appreciated a lot of his reviews until I started socializing and met him as well as became aware of some things....

Then I started scratching my head and wondering how the hell he could afford to see so many of ya'll....

His Reviews are always positive.... He has no "preference" it would seem.... Old, Young, Fat, Slender, Tall or short, any race..... Any price Range.........

But I guess if he is manipulating discounts it would explain the always positive reviews......

I used to think it was tied to his picture posting service.........

I'm glad to see a Provider step forward and clarify something mre than a few had suspected.....

Originally Posted by Whispers
To be honest, I do get discounts sometimes meaning about one sixteenth of my reviews but I set dates with providers based on their full rates.

I'll miss the Cap. Metro reviews. Originally Posted by Booth
I still do the capital metro reviews but since I have my own place I have providers come here but I still go to them occasionally
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Ahhhh... never lacking for someone to shit on, I see. I;m beginning to figure out this "new" community, bubbalicious.

I for one am glad that someone posts the pix for the masses to see.

Of course that probably deserves a good shitting on, eh?

Then again, if someone's scamming the ladies...well...then... I guess they need someone else to come to their rescue. N'cest pas?
Guest031411-2's Avatar
whispers, why'd you stick in your finger into this, is it your fight?
Wow, everyone grab tha popcorn !
conservative44's Avatar
I could give a shit less about the politics and the rants on this issue, but if you're going to do a review the donation is probably the most important part after the activities. I've put where I received a discount before, because the provider had to cancel and reschedule. So, I feel if you're getting a discount for a reschedule, being a regular, or because you can't get it up and y'all just sit there and talk while combing each other's hair while she's naked: that belongs in the review. I thought the whole purpose here was to give honest, helpful insight. (I'm not sayin you can't get it up Genius, but if you are getting discounts and you're posting a review on that particular session, I'm sure a lot of us would like to know how and why you're getting a discount.)
Whispers's Avatar
This isn't about the GeniusMan/Maxeen issue.... This is about the reliability of Reviews.

If you search GeniusMan and read some of his posts he acknowledges that he knows that reviews are a big part of a Providers Business.

They are probably the single most effective method of Advertising for a lady that works these review sites.

For the Ladies, to have a guy that will crank out flowery review after flowery review as well as attach the pictures THEY want attached to the reviews..with occasional bumps ....That is quite a bit of a marketing advantage.....

If the reviewer is getting the sessions at a greatly reduced price.... For $50 or $100 a pop plus the reviews and picture posting and the review is guaranteed to always be positive..... Then the review is bogus.....IMO... Unless others can get the same deal....

New People tend to put a lot of validity into a Review if the Reviewer has a lot of posted/accepted reviews.

It's went on for a long time based on a conversation I had with a provider back in the ASPD days. Now that Maxeen's come out with it, I am sure she will get some PM's from others who have experienced similar incidents. Genius, the gig is up. Originally Posted by Billy_Saul

The other part of this is the idea/concept of trading reviews for services.

I've wrote a lot of reviews over the years.... I wrote a lot of first reviews for girls with a Houston and South Florida Agency. Because I had a lot of reviews and wrote detailed reviews I would occasionally get offered freebies or discounts. I valued my credibility over the offers.....

I don't think everybody does though.....

In the 11 years I've been around these sites I've seen stories and known individuals that would push girls for discounts / freebies promising to help them "launch" their careers.... As well as holding the review over their heads after the fact for something extra......

It happens... and is never pretty when it comes out....
IF one gets a discount that is between that person and the said lady. One can get a discount for several reasons (if one is into giving them), doesnt mean the next person is entitled to the same. Again like I said its between the 2 people "we" dont know what happened and why, that is BCD and their business.
Not taking sides......

But it does make you wonder...

If I knew exactly what was "applied" in Maxeen's post to GeniusMan in the other thread then I would be able to come to a conclusion. With out that information I can't only wonder and be aware in the future.

10K post.....wow...what a sad life!
Whispers's Avatar
Not taking sides......

But it does make you wonder...

10K post.....wow... Originally Posted by Woody of TX

It's probably safe to assume that a newbie as well as any member would naturally assume that anyone with that many posts and reviews would be a credible source.....

It's also safe to assume that any new lady would see that as the kind of member you would want in your corner writing reviews.....
conservative44's Avatar
How come under genius's posts count there aren't any reviews? Just tried to look at them. I know my count went down 3 this week.
Whispers's Avatar
IF one gets a discount that is between that person and the said lady. Originally Posted by Sexy Roxanne
UNTIL the Client writes a review and indicates he paid a rate he did not actually pay or leads people to believe that he paid her full rate.....

if a guy indicates services were great, he had a great time and would repeat but lets everyone believe that the rate was $250 then he has set people up to believe she was worth the $250.

However... If he was charged $50 or $100 (numbers that have floated around for a while about this particular subject) then his review is REALLY saying she was worth the $50/$100 but he is misleading the community.

It's not fair to guys relying on reviews to make decisions.

It is not fair to other ladies.....

Do you want to see Provider X get 10 great reviews next week at $250 an hour when behind the scenes she did $100 sessions?

her phone will surely be ringing more at the expense of other ladies.

Inaccurate reviews hurt both sides