Do as you feel necessary Omahan as I trust your judgment for the whole of this board. I am one that believes in Free Will as well as Freedom of Speech, and in doing so I have to open my mind to the fact that not all things said will be positive or helpful things to everyone. I do appreciate that you have pulled it for moderator discussion as there is a quote that comes to mind to me here. My favorite actor, Christopher Walken, once said in a movie, "The past is the past, and the present is now." Right now...all that matters is what we have right now. Besides, doesn't everyone realize that the world will end as we know it in December of 2012? Why not live your life doing good for others? Why not try being a good kind person even when deep down your soul is so foul that not even you can stand yourself sometimes? That's all I do. Work on improving myself inside and out as well as trying to make the lives of others happier. Happiness is something one can only attain when they give up their right to spew bad tidings on to others, even if it may be warranted. Happiness can only be achieved when one truly finds that making others lives better is what in turn truly makes their lives better. I myself have been through the worst any child or adult could ever have to endure in a lifetime. I am still here, still living, still believing that being a good person may not get me anything here except a contented heart. But as my mother always says, "You keep pressing on!" So petty comments from those that thrive on the pleasure of trying to make others lives as miserable as their own do not affect me. In fact it reaffirms that I am still moving in the right direction. I spend my days having fun, exploring and finding new adventures. I do not spend my days trying to hurt others. Why they would say the negative things they say is beyond me because as I have stated I am NOT a provider. I have not written even one post on here that could be construed as negative towards any of them. Most of my posts are about my love for football which sadly has left me with nothing more to write about than fantasies of the mind. Some people enjoy them, others do not...c'est la vie. I am in NO way any competition to any girl on this board or any site that may showcase a provider. I am in NO way competition for any guy on here as I have never called a provider for services. So it is of their own malice hearts and minds that they decide to vomit hateful comments and/or threats towards me, and has nothing to do with anything I have ever said nor done to anyone. I am not going anywhere. I was busy last night....having fun! Maybe some of you should take the chips off your shoulders and try it sometime. You never know, it may grow on you and you may find you love discovering the free-spirited child that still lies within. So I leave you with this...
I am BottomlessFilth.....Take it or Leave it
If you like reading my posts then by all means please keep enjoying them.
If you do not like reading my posts or you just don't like me as a person, then you have the ability to stop reading my posts. Very simple, problem solved.
I am not for everyone, but the few that I am seem to really get me and are smitten by me.
This board should be Fun. Am I the only one out there that realizes the meaning of Life?
Hey, why are you picking on a dirty sweet little girl anyway? Are I not the one that called the Super Bowl picks as well as the Super Bowl winner? You may not like me, but you have to admit that I sure am one hell of a football fan!