keep getting booted from my login

I keep getting booted from my log in. I am wondering what is going on?

Was having this issue a week or so ago and it stopped. Now, almost every time I go to a new page have to re-login. It's a pain...
I'm not very Techy, but there is a box to stay logged in.

The other side to consider if you hit your back browser that may trigger a re-login.

Hopes this helps
Thanks Fiz, but this seems to be a new problem and saw someone else was having the same thing. UC sent him a private message so guessing there is some reason behind it.

I have not had any issues.
When I first saw the other thread regarding this issue I thought it read “I keep getting booty” lol. I was like wait, what?
well it seems to be fixed now, haven't been "bootied" recently