As Jane Cobb would say, "I have a question."

LovingKayla's Avatar
If the fed is printing trillions of dollars, why is there not a single bill in our wallets printed after 2009?
joe bloe's Avatar
It's all done by computer. It's electronic money. It's also known as rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.


One possible option the Fed has is another round of quantitative easing, a process in which the government purchases assets from banks and private companies in order to add a set amount of money into the economy.
Often confused with printing money, quantitative easing uses the new electronically-created cash to purchase government bonds and other assets, rather than using newly minted money to pay off government debt. The U.S. government began its first round of easing in November of 2008, followed by a second round in November of 2010. For the past several years the Federal Reserve has also maintained interest rates near zero, in attempt to boost economic recovery after the 2008 recession and housing market collapse.
LovingKayla's Avatar
Thanks joe I didn't know that. That's actually a tinsy more scary that actually printing money. Actually the more I think of it, that's flat damn scary.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
We'd go broke if we actually had to print that much.
It's "teency", not "tinsy". Damn!
It's "teency", not "tinsy". Damn! Originally Posted by Little Stevie
since you are in the horrible habit of correcting people's writing and, by the way incorrectly for the times i have noticed, i will address your most recent attempt at superiority, it's not teency, it's teensy
joe bloe's Avatar
We'd go broke if we actually had to print that much. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
We're rapidly approaching the day when it costs more to print a dollar than it's worth. A dollar won't be worth the paper it's printed on.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
since you are in the horrible habit of correcting people's writing and, by the way incorrectly for the times i have noticed, i will address your most recent attempt at superiorty, its not teency, its teensy Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Don't you hate when that happens Little Stevie ?
joe bloe's Avatar
Don't you hate when that happens Little Stevie ? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Little Stevie is our self appointed hall monitor. Someone has to pick the nit.

WTF's Avatar
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  • 02-04-2013, 10:02 AM
Thanks joe I didn't know that. That's actually a tinsy more scary that actually printing money. Actually the more I think of it, that's flat damn scary. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Of course you didn't.

It is buying overinflated assets...while not good, at least it will have assets on the balance sheet that may gain back their value.

They did the exact same thing in the SnL crisis, though not to this extent. We did just fine. I suspect we will do so again but keep buying ammo, the dealers love you.

One possible option the Fed has is another round of quantitative easing, a process in which the government purchases assets from banks and private companies in order to add a set amount of money into the economy. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Someone has to pick the nit.
Originally Posted by joe bloe
get someone who gets it right at least
LovingKayla's Avatar
It's "teency", not "tinsy". Damn! Originally Posted by Little Stevie

Oh I'm sorry waterwings, I forgot to fill you in on that joke and why I spell it tinsy. Go back to 2nd grade before you're missed.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 02-04-2013, 11:50 AM
Oh I'm sorry waterwings, I forgot to fill you in on that joke and why I spell it tinsy. Go back to 2nd grade before you're missed. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Kayla, you should not be making fun of anyone after the question you asked to start this thread.

You do not understand economics or politics , yet you comment on both and pass around low grade chain e-mails as if you are an expert and it is the gospel!
chefnerd's Avatar
You seem to be confusing the date on coins with the series date on currency. Coins have the year they were minted on them. Currency on the other hand has the year of the last re-design. Re-design includes having a new US Treasurer or a new Secretary of the Treasury since both signatures are on the bill. The series year is not the year it was printed. Once Geithner is replaced, you will see a new series of bills since this would constitute a re-design.
JCM800's Avatar
We're rapidly approaching the day when it costs more to print a dollar than it's worth. A dollar won't be worth the paper it's printed on. Originally Posted by joe bloe
They'll probably just outsource the work anyway