Face blurring

I decided to blur my face for privacy reasons.. Do you think its going to hurt my business? Especially because I feel like my face is one of my best assets. I did leave one picture of my face that is not blurred, but that kinda defeats the purpose. Any ones advise or opinion would be greatly appreciated. xoxo Kacey
yep! I wouldn't spend a cent if I couldn't see your face....but that's me.....maybe you can find others that want a women they cant see...........your call....................https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2daX...&nohtml5=False
It's tricky. It's up to you but having one face pic might be a good thing. It would also help if you offered CIM.
It's tricky. It's up to you but having one face pic might be a good thing. It would also help if you offered CIM. Originally Posted by ithyphallicus

Redsan's Avatar
I can certainly understand not wanting to show your face but
you are right if you are showing one picture, you might as well
show all. If a provider does not have a face shot I read the reviews
and usually you get a description of what she looks like. I have
a couple of times gone to see one that has a knock out body but
has a "Double Bagger" face.
Thank you for y'alls opinion.. I think I'm going to take y'alls advise and un blur my pics because I do have a pretty face.
I too wont see a provider unless I can see her mug. A pretty face and a big ol' booty can make me overlook just about any issues. Something that worked for a provider I knew was to send face pictures after screening. She said she just didnt want her dads friends stumbling across her.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
Maybe blur only part of your face and do it minimally.

And personally, I'd strongly discourage any lady from sending out face pics. You never know what kind of person you're dealing with, even if they pass screening. They could save them as ammo for a later use, like when you won't profess your undying love for him or for other nefarious activities
Randall Creed's Avatar
If you weren't NBA, that would make you look sooooooo much hotter.
RandB fan's Avatar
You hide as many of your physical flaws with clothing and camera angles so you might as well cover your face. I am sure you will draw the "right" kind of monger to make it a fulfilling career. (I'm not being mean but I'd suggest you don't ask Whispers what he thinks)
I think it is up to you sweet lady. I have not Yet met you but based on the reviews, I would try to see you and as stated in reviews always dressed well and pleasing and fresh. If you feel anytime your safety may be compromised and if you want to stay private in your private life, then blurr the pics.
It is your life and always stay safe.
You have a very pretty face...and that ass is very nice as well!
My face is one of my best features but I wouldn't show my face even if it meant more business or a higher rate. Both of which I could easily do if I posted face pictures.

You never know what the future holds. What if you want a certain type of job someday and someone there happens to recognize you from pictures. Strange things happen. I would want to try and protect myself from any and all negative consequences associated with the hobby. The real world will not understand or accept your reasons. Not ever.

We all make mistakes and slip up. We are human. But the less of your identifying features that can connect you to this the better. That includes tattoos, moles and birthmarks. If you have anything in your pics someone could identify you from, I'd fix it.

Just my opinion. Not everyone thinks or feels the same way. But you asked. Have a great weekend. Good luck.
I don't see ladies that blur their face and ones that don't show their face. I understand the reasons why they do it. "Family". Nine-times out of ten they're not that pretty.
Just what I think.
rexdutchman's Avatar
It runs about 50/50 , with butter face . Now I only see providers that have at least 1 face picture, just saying