Can we HAVE one too!!

chrissy's Avatar
Hey ladies...Just a quick question..

Since some of these guys reviews us and our bodies and services..and some are polite and are honest,yet Ive noticed around the entire nation that some just leave anything for credit..Think we should be able to do the same in our own style review board??..

I have had a couple guys this week..their stuff was exxxtremely small, didnt work or had an odear! One was extremely rude and unprofessional the others house was in sad sad shape on the inside..and dogs ran around the whole time..

Manners were horrible and because I do like to recieve as well as give lets just say Damnit I am still looking!

So what can we have or do to be fair and tell other ladies of the gents just as the do us...
We'll I think that is what references are for. Most guys that hobby are keen on keeping good reliable references so we can see any lady we choose. This rule doesn't apply to the newbie. Sorry that you had some bad experiances, they do give the rest of us a bad name. I would suggest to screen better but then YMMV with each encounter.
Hey ladies...Just a quick question..

Since some of these guys reviews us and our bodies and services..and some are polite and are honest,yet Ive noticed around the entire nation that some just leave anything for credit..Think we should be able to do the same in our own style review board??..

I have had a couple guys this week..their stuff was exxxtremely small, didnt work or had an odear! One was extremely rude and unprofessional the others house was in sad sad shape on the inside..and dogs ran around the whole time..

Manners were horrible and because I do like to recieve as well as give lets just say Damnit I am still looking!

So what can we have or do to be fair and tell other ladies of the gents just as the do us... Originally Posted by chrissy
I agree 100% we should have a review board for the ladies, some men think its o.k. to judge you in every aspect, no one woman or man is perfect. Maybe in the LADIES ROS we should tell the size of the tool or even if it works! BTW, rabbit I dont think this should be limited to guys without refs. Some well know reviewers may be included, when a gal gives a ref. she does not say his bathroom was gross so, you might want to bring wet naps!
We'll I think you ladies should be allowed to comment on your own review but I understand why they don't allow it, too much drama. Myself I wouldn't be afraid to have a provider review me, I treat the ladies I see with respect but I can see why most men don't. After all we hobbist are the customer. A review is like a review for a movie. We all have different taste and that effects what we like and dislike. It would be almost like the movie theatre reviewing its customer. For the ladies that is why I think references work best. If a guy treated a lady wrong I'm sure she wouldn't give him a good reference if another provider inquired about him. Some guys might not care about there character but I do. I think I would have enough good references to see just about anybody I choose. As far as details of the reference that is up to you ladies but just as reviews go YMMV.
chrissy's Avatar
We'll I think that is what references are for. Most guys that hobby are keen on keeping good reliable references so we can see any lady we choose. This rule doesn't apply to the newbie. Sorry that you had some bad experiances, they do give the rest of us a bad name. I would suggest to screen better but then YMMV with each encounter. Originally Posted by rrabbit6926
I agree with the references but face it guys when a new provider pops up in town, some local girls arent very accepting and happy about it..but are great pretenders to some regulars that may ask.. I have recieved everything from fake phone threats to attempted dry runs when I do decide to work..I have had some of the most horrid troubles getting references from ladies this tour..Just as I have encountered and partied with some that are great giving refs..Though its hard I agree screen carefully and yes ymmv and I have actually benfited more leaving a few providers alone and just going on my own instinct and not bothering with the refs from them.
Yeah I can see that being a problem. I would think that if said provider isn't giving the references that is required then the hobbist who put her down should be notified. I know some of the ladies don't like it when some of the traveling ladies come into town but I think commen coutresty is in order.
Biggreentractor's Avatar
who's paying who here? Im pretty sure that if I looked like Brad Pitt with a 10" tool I would have no need for membership here. Now unclean is one thing but a limp little willie, I mean Shut the fuck up or get a job at walmart. You are what you are. as are we.
Dragon7769's Avatar
I have no problem with a provider reviewing me, but I can see where it could go bad in a lot of ways. Plus one of the most important things in this hobby is being discret and reviewing the hobbiest is not very discret.
Ladies, keep in mind you do hav eth at ability in the powder room area's of this board.
chrissy's Avatar
who's paying who here? Im pretty sure that if I looked like Brad Pitt with a 10" tool I would have no need for membership here. Now unclean is one thing but a limp little willie, I mean Shut the fuck up or get a job at walmart. You are what you are. as are we. Originally Posted by Biggreentractor
My point was NOT about money? Please re-read it again, then you might see the true point of it. But being you are a very rude member here, especially towards me (since the appt refusal??)..Anyhow please do not bring any of your rudeness/negativity to the board ..I do believe this is against the rules of the board and against woman. We are adults not high schoolers..I love who I am I am not a what, Green tractor.. But seeing your true intentions towards woman are very bad GET LOST go mess with someone else please.. Im here for advice and enjoyment, Why try to take that away? Ive used the powder room and thats why I would like a public board so the guys can see where they might have done good/bad great or worse..Just like us its all meant for improvement to better our community!BTW I thought I just saw Brad Pitt!!..My version anyway..heheh..He had severe confidence issues since his divorce and needed my help to get back in the saddle again after a long absence from the sex scene..He was sexxxy in alll dimensions..lmao! Now thats one I would love to
We'll I think you ladies should be allowed to comment on your own review but I understand why they don't allow it, too much drama. Myself I wouldn't be afraid to have a provider review me, I treat the ladies I see with respect but I can see why most men don't. After all we hobbist are the customer. A review is like a review for a movie. We all have different taste and that effects what we like and dislike. It would be almost like the movie theatre reviewing its customer. For the ladies that is why I think references work best. If a guy treated a lady wrong I'm sure she wouldn't give him a good reference if another provider inquired about him. Some guys might not care about there character but I do. I think I would have enough good references to see just about anybody I choose. As far as details of the reference that is up to you ladies but just as reviews go YMMV. Originally Posted by rrabbit6926
Very true rabbit, I dont think I would want to review a hobbiest in aspect that you all can review us. The point is treat others the way you would want to be treated. Also, Ive had ladies tell me he is jerk but he pays the bills and he's harmless so you can see him if you like too. Turns out their personalities just didnt mesh well, he was great with me! I personally preferre older men because I like the time they take to explore your body and what you like! I just thought the thread was funny, but hell what do I know! Some guys took it very serious.
there will never, due to all the implications and problems it would bring, be a way for ladies to review the men here.... even though i may be in total agreement that it could really be a fun thing, my guess is that it would get wayy out of control
everyone else loves you Tractor..but I do agree we should be able to comment of reviews....
who's paying who here? Im pretty sure that if I looked like Brad Pitt with a 10" tool I would have no need for membership here. Now unclean is one thing but a limp little willie, I mean Shut the fuck up or get a job at walmart. You are what you are. as are we. Originally Posted by Biggreentractor
I understand your point, Crissy, but we are the ones getting paid. I think there should be a private provider section where we can exchange information, but small penises and lack of "skills" shouldn't be an issue. Being disrespectful, unrealistic, bizzarre, or dishonest, should be worthy of a review. I have had a few guys this week that I would give an OK on p411, but there is more to the story. Should the provider contact me, as she should, I am happy to explain the situation. These guys were nice, respectful, paid proper amounts, but had unusual situations.
DallasRain's Avatar
I understand your point, Crissy, but we are the ones getting paid. I think there should be a private provider section where we can exchange information, but small penises and lack of "skills" shouldn't be an issue. Being disrespectful, unrealistic, bizzarre, or dishonest, should be worthy of a review. I have had a few guys this week that I would give an OK on p411, but there is more to the story. Should the provider contact me, as she should, I am happy to explain the situation. These guys were nice, respectful, paid proper amounts, but had unusual situations. Originally Posted by heidilynnla

well said!!!!!!!!!!!!!