In need of a recommendation

joyous's Avatar
I want to add a bed/bath addition on my house and am looking for a contractor/construction person that is honest and reliable. I'm not looking for a service for service deal...just a someone who wont rip a girl off. Please email me if any of you guys/ladies out there know some one.
Hey sugar
I have someone for you, he is not a licensed contractor, but I assure you, he works wonders!!! He built his own home from trees in the forest. Everything I know in repair/remodeling I know from him. He can also get some "man hands" in there to help. I would do it myself, but quite frankly, he knows WAY more than I. PM me if interested!!!
Cpalmson's Avatar
Megan, that may sound like a great option, but it is very risky to hire someone who is not licensed. Here are some things to consider: 1) liability-- if he brings other people onto the job and someone/anyone gets hurt, all the liability is on Joyous. 2) codes-- if he is unlicensed and doesn't follow codes or pull the right permits, Joyous will have to fave code enforcement on her own. 3) legal recourse-- if the project doesn't go as expected or something happens later on, Joyous would jeopardize some of her legal rights if he is unlicensed. Now, if he's as good as you say he is and Joyous wants to pursuit his services, she can lessen some of her risk if she hires an independent 3rd party to verify the work meets standards. I'm not saying this to scuttle your idea. It maybe a good one. I have lived a horror story when dealing with contractors, and these were licensed contractors. I'd hate to see someone have problems arising from an unlicensed contractor.
Cp is correct. Protect yourself and use a licensed contractor. Also you could try Angie's List to see who is reliable and honest.