Sumlin officially new Aggie head coach

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Awwwwwwwww Shit!
johnniewalkerblack's Avatar
Sumlin should have stayed at UH until they kick out Mack Brown at UT, then try for the UT job. TAMU is not going to win in the SEC West, no matter who the coach is. The SEC West is more than LSU and Alabama. You also have to worry about Arkansas and Auburn.
Slow Hand's Avatar
The boys at Texas Ag and Mech are headed to a six to seven loss season every year. The spread offense is not going to fly in the SEC. They better line up Backwater Ark State and Far South LA U to get to .500.

As for the UT job, no person associated with UH will ever get hired by UT until Dodd's kicks the bucket. He truly hates UH and seems to work overtime and screwing them over. He never got over the temporary set debacle at Robertson and has carried a grudge about it ever since.
Sumlin is a top-level coach but the Ags will start bitching and moaning after a couple of seasons of being the SEC's punching bag, and then one day some time down the road some chickenshit Ag will tell a newspaper reporter that Sumlin's been fired before they tell him, or they'll have pissed off Sumlin at the moment a better job becomes available and he'll bail on them. Or something shitty like that. Such is the lot of Ags.
One-Eyed Willy's Avatar
Sad to see him go.. However I still hold strong that there will be brighter days @ UH yet...
On a lighter note.. UH has also officially joined the Big East along with Boise State, Central Florida, San Diego State and SMU effective for the 2013 season.. Its no secret how good UH and Boise State have been in recent years, but I think Central Florida has been pretty big too... The conference is not as strong as the SEC but at least it is an AQ for BCS Bowl games.. Hopefully with this transition it will continue to be..
-go coogs
It simply about recruiting.
I don't fault Sumlin for leaving. If I ever get a chance at my dream job (fucking fat girls for money), I'm jumping on it. I knew the guy was gonna use UH as a stepping stone from the moment he got here. I just hope that his wanderlust didn't cost UH the CUSA championship game.

I agree with Gnadfly. The Coogs just need someone who can find away to tap into the talent in this area, and they will be just fine.

And going into the new conference is going to be a major boost.

Sumlin should have stayed at UH until they kick out Mack Brown at UT, then try for the UT job. TAMU is not going to win in the SEC West, no matter who the coach is. The SEC West is more than LSU and Alabama. You also have to worry about Arkansas and Auburn. Originally Posted by johnniewalkerblack
LOL at UT hiring Sumlin.

It was a bad move for A&M. Their first 2 choices said no and they didnt want to drag it out so they hired Sumlin. A&M is the 5 at the bar who thinks shes a 10. Sumlin will be fired in 2014.

As far as UH going the Big East its a temporary boost since AQ's will be gone soon. The big east is complete trash and shouldnt have a guaranteed spot in the BCS in the first place
  • uhdps
  • 12-15-2011, 08:02 PM
LOL I have a die hard aggie friend and pretty much said the same thing you guys did.

They were looking at coaches with SEC experience which is exactly what they needed. Sumlin is set up to fail, starting qb gone, one starting rb gone etc.

The aggies are paying him a good amount of money and not with the expectation of it taking 5 years to become competitive which is probably what its going to take. They will be talking about letting him go after 2 years and let him go after 3. He should have stayed with UH at least he would have a decent record and a job in 3 years.

I agree the aggies will be luck to make .500 next year.