Bust at Sports Massage

I saw this on the news today and not sure if they are going after all BR Amp

trekker's Avatar
I drove by there Monday and saw the suite was cleaned out with a "For Lease" sign in the window. I wonder why they sat on the story for a full week before publishing it?
REDROBIN66's Avatar
Some stories never got published. Ya know!
I drove by there Monday and saw the suite was cleaned out with a "For Lease" sign in the window. I wonder why they sat on the story for a full week before publishing it? Originally Posted by trekker
because it was just a prostitution sting. they had to wait a full week to see if "sex trafficking" was mentioned even once in the report so that it can be worthy of a news story.

alot of these places get hit without ever going to the news. IIRC isnt that what happened to lilly pad? it just disappeared without reason and without making a news headline.
REDROBIN66's Avatar
because it was just a prostitution sting. they had to wait a full week to see if "sex trafficking" was mentioned even once in the report so that it can be worthy of a news story.

alot of these places get hit without ever going to the news. IIRC isnt that what happened to lilly pad? it just disappeared without reason and withoyut making a news headline. Originally Posted by Ballistixz
Yes you are right. Just disappear unless there is another license attached that will run the place.
Well the power is still on at the Lilly Pad. Getting close...