The Texas referee bowl

burkalini's Avatar
Who thinks the fucking refs took away a win for Neb. 16 for Neb and 2 for Texas A&M. Even if we beat Colorado and go to the Big 12 Champ what kind of chance do we have with the Homer refs in Texas. I think it's the last chance to fuck Nebraska tour going on.

Pay Backs are a Bitch
I must say that the Texas boosters did a great job in taking care of the refs. What kills me though is how Texas is raving about this win. Really? They didn't even score a touchdown, they barely got the win by 3 points. I could go on, but y'all watched the same game I did.

And I don't even like the huskers. lol
catadrioptic's Avatar
This game made me almost physically ill. The refs were obviously biased.
kismet44's Avatar
Think of the game what you will, my memories of the game will be Bo Pelini screaming at Taylor Martinez, four inches from his face. Outside of raping his daughter, I don't know that that was called for. Imagine if that were your kid being dressed down on national television by a coach who's made because he is upset with the officials. If the coach at your kid's high school acted that way, he would be in the principal's office the next day to explain why he wasn't acting like an adult.

He needs to get into some serious anger management counseling.
Bo has always been a hot head, that's no big secret. Husker fans knew that when they were begging him to come back and be head coach. Now that he blew a couple fuses and yelled at Taylor on TV, people are screaming for his head on a platter.

I think the fans are taking their anger out on Bo instead of focusing it on the real problem. There were many bad calls, the team loses focus when Taylor isn't playing because they feel their "security blanket" aka Taylor gone. Who knows what happened to make him yell at Taylor, but it happened.

His boys were getting screwed by the refs and he was sticking up for his team. I love a coach who will go to bat for his boys and not take the calls laying down. I love Bo from his days with the Packers. Should he tone it down? Maybe just a little, but because of what happened last night, people now know he's not going to lay down and be a little bitch when it comes to bad calls.

Would you prefer Callahan back?
burkalini's Avatar
Ok Elena you just went up a notch
catadrioptic's Avatar
Elena has a very good point! Bo was a known quantity when he came back....remember he chewed out Bill Snyder after he felt they ran up the score on us! He had to be frustrated to see the combo of bad ref calls and our inability to move the ball. I place the blame firmly on the shoulders of Watson! He should have been gone a long time ago IMHO! We have NO offense to speak of....same problem as last year. I say its bad play calling and not enough inventiveness in creating new plays (like the wildcat with Burkhead) that keep opposing defenses off balance and guessing what we will do next. I will keep Pelini in high regard but,he needs to sack up and can Watson!
HAHAHA Burk. I love my football and know what I'm talking about. I may not be a Husker fan, but I love Bo and he's VERY VERY slowly moving me closer to the dark side (husker fan). He's my fantasy client, hell I'd pay him. It'd be a grudge fuck, I know it.
burkalini's Avatar
HAHAHA Burk. I love my football and know what I'm talking about. I may not be a Husker fan, but I love Bo and he's VERY VERY slowly moving me closer to the dark side (husker fan). He's my fantasy client, hell I'd pay him. It'd be a grudge fuck, I know it. Originally Posted by MsElena

Well you better perform well or he would kick your ass
Nawww. He's one guy I would LOVE to dominate. Hell, I might even go sub for him also.
It'd be a 50/50 session.
burkalini's Avatar
OK it is possible then. I'll get my paddle
OK it is possible then. I'll get my paddle Originally Posted by burkalini
Unless your name is Bo and have worked for the Packers, yes. If not, then no.
burkalini's Avatar
Unless your name is Bo and have worked for the Packers, yes. If not, then no. Originally Posted by MsElena
Bo Burkalini here what up
Very well said Elena,
I love this coach Bo Pelini, He is an excellent coach. I attended that game I was suprised by the 16 yellow flags thrown for what I saw was a more than a couple of bad calls. I think a coach should stand up for his players, but the finger pointing sould of waited for the locker room, and not in front of millions who watched that game. I also want to add, that my experience at the game was great. I had to fork out 3 porter houses a to my Aggie friends on a losing bet. I'll miss the The aggies & Oklahoma in the the big 12.