an attempted car jacking ?

VitaMan's Avatar
I was parked at a wide open parking lot the other day, doing some updates on my phone. There was maybe 2 or 3 other cars in the whole parking lot.

I noticed a car entering the parking lot, headed toward my area. They kept on the same path. I didn't like what I saw, so put my keys in the ignition. They kept coming and parked right next to me. Before they stopped their car, I had started my car and took off. I noticed someone get out of the back seat car area just as I took off.

An attempted car jacking ?
  • pxmcc
  • 02-08-2021, 06:26 PM
probably. dont mean to be nosy, but what kind of car do you drive? some models are super popular with car thieves.

good idea to trust your instincts.

anyone else get freaked out in drive-throughs? i always have my piece-maker handy. and should i switch to bear spray b/c less paperwork?
CryptKicker's Avatar
Interesting that anyone would want your Ford Pinto
O'Mike's Avatar
i always have my piece-maker handy. and should i switch to bear spray b/c less paperwork? Originally Posted by pxmcc

I like that, hope it was an intentional misspelling, may use that myself.

Personally I carry both in the car, it's about as easy to access the less lethal Kimber Pepperblaster as it is to get the car gun. (also have my daily carry gun handy if I need more)

Have a towel or something you can lay across you lap to cover the handgun if your neck hairs start to stand up. No need to brandish, or have visible, it if situation turns out to be non-threatening. I'm pretty much doing that in my car at most ATMs.

PXMCC has a very valid point. A flashy car more likely means you will be a victim of a crime.

When I had my Lexus RX350, it was broken into three times. It was keyed, and cost more to repair.

I sold my Lexus and downsized to a Prius. I've had the car for six years and the car has never been broken into even though its parked in the same spot.

The Bonus, is I never worry about gas prices. Just fill the tank and go.
Russ38's Avatar
anyone else get freaked out in drive-throughs? i always have my piece-maker handy. and should i switch to bear spray b/c less paperwork? Originally Posted by pxmcc
You keep all that shit strapped to your bike or do you carry it in a fanny pack?....
Slitlikr's Avatar
That Beto bumper sticker makes you look like an easy target.
Bankshot's Avatar
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
What Race were they OP?
  • pxmcc
  • 02-09-2021, 11:11 PM
You keep all that shit strapped to your bike or do you carry it in a fanny pack?.... Originally Posted by Russ38
what i like about Russ is even when he trolls, he's fucking funny..

to answer your question, i've never carried anything more potent than bear spray in my panniers (bike packs), but after having an "exciting visual response" on a test run from my moving bicycle in a headwind type situation, i'm considering switching to my piece-maker for the packs of pitts i always seem to encounter when following "google maps bicycling gps." i swear that bitch is tryin' to get me killed takin me through every damn ward she can find..

carjacking. wow that would suck. pretty sure i wouldn't be handing over my keys to no little bitch of a car thief, gun or no gun in my face. situational awareness, like Boardman always harps on..
VitaMan's Avatar
I know a store clerk that works at a mall. Before closing time, the parking lot is pretty much deserted except for cars of people working there. Someone removed his catalytic converter.

Active Self Protection has a lot of interesting videos on youtube. After watching a few of those, you need to remind yourself you never know what other people will do, or what weapons they have. Best to not get into situations that will escalate if at all possible.

Man vs. will never end
PXMCC has a very valid point. A flashy car more likely means you will be a victim of a crime.

When I had my Lexus RX350, it was broken into three times. It was keyed, and cost more to repair.

I sold my Lexus and downsized to a Prius. I've had the car for six years and the car has never been broken into even though its parked in the same spot. Originally Posted by Fizley
My park my ride in the garage. I sold my Lexus and upgraded to a Mercedes. Never have either been broken it to.
Russ38's Avatar
Never had carjack issues.....maybe it’s the lifted truck with the NRA sticker in the back window.....I still pray to Tebow that someone will try.....
  • pxmcc
  • 02-10-2021, 06:13 PM
Never had carjack issues.....maybe it’s the lifted truck with the NRA sticker in the back window.....I still pray to Tebow that someone will try..... Originally Posted by Russ38
you should add a Come and take it decal to your back window..
Russ38's Avatar
I try to keep a low profile.....