Senator Cruz finally shuts his mouth

VitaMan's Avatar

When asked about his tweets bashing California energy policies, while 3 million Texans are without power: "I have no defense."
beerman's Avatar
Wonder how his trip to Cancun went while we freeze. Thanks TED.
VitaMan's Avatar
Cruz heads for Cancun in the midst of the power failures
Overheard on the airplane saying "It will be in the 70s next week. What are they complaining about ? Our capital riot lasted longer than that."

Russ38's Avatar
I would’ve stayed much longer if I were Cruz.....Cheap Mexican whores and booze?.....Flight leaves when?......
winn dixie's Avatar
Not news worthy.
VitaMan's Avatar
VitaMan's Avatar
Oh Ted....looks like you are the only one who didn't get the memo.

boardman's Avatar
Texas is on it's own Grid and not even federally regulated. In fact we are on our own grid because we didn't want to be federally regulated and subject to California style rolling blackouts. What we witnessed was a perfect storm regarding power generation. Wind mills froze, gas compression stations froze. I suspect we will find out that there were a lot of standby units undergoing routine maintenance because it is winter in Texas and demand is expected to be low. <<<if that is indeed the case heads do need to roll at ercot for not coordinating that downtime among the private generators.

I agree that the optics aren't the best for Cruz but some of the networks seem to be holding him personally responsible for power failures and for not fixing it. He is a US Senator. He's not the Governor and he's not an electrical engineer or even a generator mechanic. What exactly would anyone have him do to fix the problem?
Cruz has gotten hours of coverage even after saying it was a mistake and Cuomo get's a pass on msm while being investigated by the FBI for lying to the feds about death tolls because of his policies and then doubling down on it.
VitaMan's Avatar
Perception is as important as reality. The Kennedys knew this a long time ago.
notanewbie's Avatar
Texas is on it's own Grid and not even federally regulated. In fact we are on our own grid because we didn't want to be federally regulated and subject to California style rolling blackouts. What we witnessed was a perfect storm regarding power generation. Wind mills froze, gas compression stations froze. I suspect we will find out that there were a lot of standby units undergoing routine maintenance because it is winter in Texas and demand is expected to be low. <<<if that is indeed the case heads do need to roll at ercot for not coordinating that downtime among the private generators.

I agree that the optics aren't the best for Cruz but some of the networks seem to be holding him personally responsible for power failures and for not fixing it. He is a US Senator. He's not the Governor and he's not an electrical engineer or even a generator mechanic. What exactly would anyone have him do to fix the problem?
Cruz has gotten hours of coverage even after saying it was a mistake and Cuomo get's a pass on msm while being investigated by the FBI for lying to the feds about death tolls because of his policies and then doubling down on it. Originally Posted by boardman

those pesky facts, ruin a good stupidity display. How dare you BM
CryptKicker's Avatar
Perception is as important as reality. The Kennedys knew this a long time ago. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Then Cuomo is dead politically.
  • pxmcc
  • 02-19-2021, 06:07 PM
Texas is on it's own Grid and not even federally regulated. In fact we are on our own grid because we didn't want to be federally regulated and subject to California style rolling blackouts. What we witnessed was a perfect storm regarding power generation. Wind mills froze, gas compression stations froze. I suspect we will find out that there were a lot of standby units undergoing routine maintenance because it is winter in Texas and demand is expected to be low. <<<if that is indeed the case heads do need to roll at ercot for not coordinating that downtime among the private generators.

I agree that the optics aren't the best for Cruz but some of the networks seem to be holding him personally responsible for power failures and for not fixing it. He is a US Senator. He's not the Governor and he's not an electrical engineer or even a generator mechanic. What exactly would anyone have him do to fix the problem?
Cruz has gotten hours of coverage even after saying it was a mistake and Cuomo get's a pass on msm while being investigated by the FBI for lying to the feds about death tolls because of his policies and then doubling down on it. Originally Posted by boardman
what's crazy about wind power and Ercot's preparedness is there is a simple procedure to keep windmills running below 32, and it's called simply "winterizing." Ercot declined to do it because, why again? oh, because it costs a few dollars? how many people have died in Texas due to lack of electricity? and because Ercot decided to save a couple bucks?

does anyone know if you can winterize natural gas producing electricity? i'm not in the oil field, but i bet it is either difficult or impossible. any experts, fill us in. it appears everything failed, including nuclear and coal. my understanding is that both failed due to having water pipes frozen. if buffalo, ny can provide electricity throughout winter, then there isn't any reason why Texas can't do the same, with adequate planning and foresight.

as one of the 2 U.S. senators for Texas, there are a whole bunch of things Cruz could have done for texas instead of leave for Cancun. he could have had the Ercot Board on speed-dial and have gotten hourly updates. he could have called for hearings. he could have asked for real-time updates from Centerpoint, TXU, and the other major electricity providers. He could find out what FEMA was doing to help those without water or electric. he could have been in contact with Governor Abbott over what federal resources he needs. There are a million things a U.S. Senator for Texas could have done. But instead he hops on a plane to Cancun. And then he tells a big story which is soon proven false by screen shots from his wife's text messages. It would be laughable except so many Texans have already died from this storm.
CryptKicker's Avatar
You need to do research on what the true amount of wind generated electricity is in Texas and the fact that no one expects it to be a factor in the winter when on average the wind doesn't blow near as much. Wind generated power was not a very big factor in what happened. It wasn't the savior either. Diesel powered generators were used to bring the power back up.

As far as Cruz is concerned he could of and probably did many of the things you said he could have done. He could do it as easily in Cancun as he could in Houston. It is the simple optics that were bad.

Bit Cruz's actions did not change what happened good or bad. He didn't cause the storm's affects and he could not fix it. State issues which ERCOT is are under the governor's purvue, not federal. Yes he can put pressure and most likely has but he can't fix it. Also nothing Cruz did killed anyone in Texas.

In contrast you have Cuomo. His actions with the nursing homes is estimated to have caused one to two thousand deaths that would have been prevented (most likely) if he wasn't busy playing hide and seek with the numbers because he was afraid of Trump's justice department. He played politics with old people's lives. I hope there is a special place in hell for him.
Slitlikr's Avatar
They're just using this as a distraction.
Typical lib tactics.
VitaMan's Avatar
First, this thread is not "about" Cuomo. So much aboutism. If you want to discuss Cuomo, start a thread.

Second, Cruz was so gung ho during the election hearings. Now this makes him look really bad, as the appearance is he didn't even care enough to stick around during this troubled time in Texas. But he did manage to grandstand just a month ago. He did run for president already....didn't he ?

Third, Cruz managed to interject Pittsburgh PA policies into some of his rhetoric. The mayor of that city had to correct him. That plus bashing California policies.

He is an Senator from Texas...working for Texans...correct ? Possibly he cares more about himself.