So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

Toreador_one's Avatar
Events in the last few months culminating with a big disappointment Today have helped me re-evaluate my situation and make the decision to step away from the hobby. It is a cross roads I knew I was going to reach and have opted to take a hard turn to the right.

The decision has no been difficult, however doing it will be extremely difficult.

I am not cancelling my membership as I do not know if I have that strong of will to stay away, just stepping away as far as can to try to re-evaluate my situation and see what what adjustments I must make and road to follow (or return to the old road)

I was going to write an explanation on the events but have opted not to, I have my reasons and that is all the membership needs to know. There is nothing to discuss.

So, So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish. (for those that may not know that is the title of a fourth book of the Hitchiker's guide to the Galaxy series one of my favorites)
carkido45's Avatar
So long T-1 and you will be missed in the review forum.
I could always count on your yes recommendations to be good to go.
Good Luck to you.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Best of luck to you.
auknowho's Avatar
T1 I hope you fix everything you need to fix, good luck my friend.
dearhunter's Avatar
Take control and move on, remembering the good times.

You don't owe us any explanation...............bros befo hoes
bigbadbill969's Avatar
I have not been active for about a year and I have found that it was not near as hard to quit as I thought it would be. What helped me was to keep in mind that I have probably had about as good as they come and therefore the thrill of the hunt was not as rewarding as before. Good luck!!!.....Bill
jacksparrow's Avatar
well, so long and good luck!! my friend.
stay away from the cantinas.
Htowner's Avatar
Good luck my friend.
Good Lock T1. Thanks for the past tips.
I have always enjoyed your post, I wish you luck in your future endeavors.
notanewbie's Avatar
best to you T1
CivilBarrister's Avatar
T1 - good luck in what ever you end up doing.

Thanks for all your contributions.

And FINALLY, I agree with dearhunter - you don't owe an explanation to anyone for any of your decisions.
TexasGator's Avatar
Best of luck in whatever it is you seek. Thanks for all your contributions, both publicly and in the "back channels." Via con dios!
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do... but remember... there are a lot of people on this board that contribute postings and no longer actually hobby... kinda like Sam at Cheers ... a recovering alcoholic bartender who wouldn't take a drink... I'm just saying...
LittleSpike's Avatar
So long, good luck, and come back when you are ready.