Pfoof Obama is not a liar

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Damn, cant find any.
Here....does this help make your point ?

Keep in mind just how mad Obama is over the VA scandal....remember, no one is madder than Obama !

He has been (mad) for years....especially over vet wait times..going back to his 2008 campaign...

Fucking Poser of a President !
LexusLover's Avatar
This pill is going to be BITTER for the liberals who are wrapping themselves in the flag. 50 years ago it was fashionable to be anti-military ... just ask John Kerry ... it doesn't wear too well today .... but the ant-military demeanor and attitude surfaces nonetheless ..... "infection will out" is appropriate in this context.....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
PFoof 2Pups is drunk on a Friday afternoon.

The PFoof is in the PFutting!
This pill is going to be BITTER for the liberals who are wrapping themselves in the flag. 50 years ago it was fashionable to be anti-military ... just ask John Kerry ... it doesn't wear too well today .... but the ant-military demeanor and attitude surfaces nonetheless ..... "infection will out" is appropriate in this context..... Originally Posted by LexusLover

Were you serving or throwing shit at the ones who returned?
This pill is going to be BITTER for the liberals who are wrapping themselves in the flag. 50 years ago it was fashionable to be anti-military ... just ask John Kerry ... Originally Posted by LexusLover
Were you serving or throwing shit at the ones who returned? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Rumor has it that the only uniform LexiLiar has ever worn was probably 80-90 years ago when he was a weee young lad and a proud Cub Scout.

It is quite obvious that LexiLiar is oftentimes critical of those who have worn a US military uniform ........ "just ask John Kerry." (See above quote)

Was LexiLiar simply "throwing shit at the ones who returned?" Draw your own conclusions!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Good thing you did not defeat the commies bigtex since they are your party. Amazing how you can fight it in one decade and embrace it in another.

Yep Assup, I make a lot of typos and they are hard to catch when your vision is 20/400. I at least choose to continue to work instead of sucking off of the public tit like your supporters do. I gave up drinking a long time ago. Hard to drive when you're blind and intoxicated. Losing your eyesight sort of sucks but, I really do not expect anything better out of you as it is not something you can do anything about. I suppose your mental illness, liberalism, makes it so that you cannot help yourself. Now run along and pat yourself on the back for poking fun at a blind man.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Oh yeah, I am still searching and STILL cannot find ANY proof Obama is not a liar.
Yep Assup, I make a lot of typos and they are hard to catch when your vision is 20/400... Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I knew exactly what the issue was. Keep it going, 2Dogs.

Oh yeah, I am still searching and STILL cannot find ANY proof Obama is not a liar. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Yeah and The Austin Reacharound Crew won't provide you with anything but personal attacks.
[SIZE="2"]Yeah and The Austin Reacharound Crew won't provide you with anything but personal attacks. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Quick, someone hand me the smelly ol' Turdfly swatter!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Oh yeah, I am still searching and STILL cannot find ANY proof Obama is not a liar. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

You've searched for proof Obama is not a liar?
You're full of shit, stupid, or both.
We all know you didn't look. And being blind has nothing to do with not looking

You make typos because you're blind but we're supposed to believe you have the ability to correctly read all the articles that contain the information that you usually don't post links for? It means your typos come from you not reading your own posts. In other words, you're too lazy to fix, the what must be correctable if you can read to respond, your own typos but not too lazy to say they happen because you're "blind".

And we're not poking fun at a blind man. We're saying the lying asshole that lives inside of the blind guy is too lazy to fix his typos. And then throws his disability out as an excuse.
It seems to me if you can read it coming in you can read it going out.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Just waiting on an answer.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Oh yeah, I am still searching and STILL cannot find ANY proof Obama is not a liar. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I've spent all afternoon Helen Keller, and I can't find ANY proof that you're not a cocksucker!
I've spent all afternoon Helen Keller, and I can't find ANY proof that you're not a cocksucker! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
2Pups left himself wide open for that slam dunk!