Or how I became part of some twisted revenge plot

Some well established 'person' I know, received some insulting , threatening emails from a escort chick

Their business relationship didn't go so well. Money. Always fighting over money

So, chick turns around spreads the word about him ...

Saying, he wasn't honest, whatever

The 'person' tells me he didn't do anything wrong, and that her mind's just f***ed because she's a crazy druggie, who practices unsafe ... activities

Now, I'm not even an active member of the escort scene, but even I've heard of her... a decade's worth of high end reputation

Yes, I saw her emails to him myself and, yes she sounded psychopathic

What do you expect me to do...

Truth is, I don't know the real, whole story

I don't know this chick personally

No, I'm not gonna waste any energy going on some hate campaign against her, granting her free publicity. There is no bad publicity, my friends...

Personally, I don't give a shit about how she lives her life, what she does to people.

You know, how many people in this world do stupid things, have issues... thousands and thousands

You wanna line'em up, shoot'em all

Truth is, no one has power, over another. Noones judgement, lack of judgement matters. None of it matters

Life goes on.

You got fucked over?

Move on

...i reserve all my energy for pursuits of the hot & wild kind ...y'all know that. Dun bother me w none of your personal issues.


Personally, when i receive strange emails, that look like they had no idea who they sent it to i.e doesn't mention how badly they want me, anything that gets my libido going ...i delete it.

I have a whole spambox of insane maniacs. You turn me on or you don't.
... You turn me on or you don't. Originally Posted by Zabrina Sarafina
(See senseless rant above) - Time for another drink. You're getting back to normal again....ewwwww.