What if it’s a 4-way ballot?

Sickpuppy's Avatar
Suppose Hillary continues to the primary and is the Dem nominee. Suppose Bernie thinks he can win as an independent and runs as an independent. Suppose Donald pisses-off the Republicans and runs independent and suppose (insert name here*) gets the official Republican nomination? Then all 4 appear on the ballot. One will win the popular vote but if no one gets the majority of electoral votes then the House of Representatives votes for the President and the Senate votes for the VP. One vote per Congressman/Senator with the majority win. So guess who’ll win?? – Mr./Ms. (insert name here*) Republican nominee.
James1588's Avatar
Suppose Hillary continues to the primary and is the Dem nominee. Suppose Bernie thinks he can win as an independent and runs as an independent. Suppose Donald pisses-off the Republicans and runs independent and suppose (insert name here*) gets the official Republican nomination? Then all 4 appear on the ballot. One will win the popular vote but if no one gets the majority of electoral votes then the House of Representatives votes for the President and the Senate votes for the VP. One vote per Congressman/Senator with the majority win. So guess who’ll win?? – Mr./Ms. (insert name here*) Republican nominee. Originally Posted by Sickpuppy
It's being assumed here that Mrs. Clinton wouldn't get an electoral-college majority in the scenario described. I think that assumption is faulty. I'm fairly sure we have another Pres. Clinton in our near future. That's not something I want to see ... but there's no one in the current office-seeking clown college that I want to see infesting the White House.

Sanders won't split the Democrat electoral college take, because he won't carry a single state. Trump, on the other hand, would deprive Jebbie of several, running third-party. I think the GOPpers are toast.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A couple of mistakes I think; Hillary is not the kind to throw in the towel because this is her absolute last chance...Bernie Sanders? He probably can't carry a state but another democrat riding to the rescue like Biden would have to tie into Hillary. I think you'd have a three way race for the nomination with the rescuer (insert name here) coming out on top.
You have it backwards on Trump, he would get pissed off and go third party but that is putting the cart before the horse. First there is the nomination. Trump is riding high and if he were to win Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina right off the top there seems to be little to stand in his way as that is the Mid West, New England, and the South right there. Lets go with the idea that the Bush camp pulls something (not the GOP rank and file) does a dirty deed to Trump. He loses a brokered convention and goes for that third party. Further, lets also say that the democrats create a spoiler in either Sanders or Hillary (I don't think she gets the nomination). Okay, we have four major people running for the White House.

The magic number is 271 electoral votes for the win. If no one recieves that then the election goes to the House. The new House in 2016. The GOP would probably enjoy a 30-50 seat edge still and pick up a few more Tea Party candidates (this is important). The Tea Party is where Trump's base would be. Not that they would automatically vote for him but they would be more inclined to vote for him. Jeb would be the stalwart GOP candidate but Boehner (his champion) would be fighting for his political life as well. The infighting would be epic but we would probably never know for some years what happened. Hillary would pull out all the stops and her FBI files on people. The Tea Party would threaten to deny Bush the win which they could. It is possible that Hillary would win but I don't think that is likely. There will be a court challenge but I believe the democrats would evenly split their vote between the white knight and Hillary giving Bush the win by a plurality.
The outcome would be devastating to both major parties. There would probably be permanent splits between the left wing socialists and the establishment and the Tea Party portion of the GOP for at least the next presidential election cycle.

I have to point out to the nimrods on this site, this is all speculation based on the law and my understanding of what motivates the candidates. This speculation could change at any time based on events going forward (I think Hillary will be forced to cave eventually). This is not a prediction of events either. It is just one ....possibility.
Donald runs third party, syphons votes, Hillary wins.

I just used 8 words and made the same point as dildo head above me. Thanks for the scenario, windbag.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If the race goes to the House, each state has one vote. The delegations would caucus and decide who their state will vote for. The Senate votes for VP.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You'll have to repeat the question for the NBK. He didn't get the premise that is is already a four way race. He is answering something else.

If the election goes to the house, California, New York, and Illinois are rendered helpless to Utah, Alaska, and South Dakota.
Sickpuppy's Avatar
Donald runs third party, syphons votes, Hillary wins.

I just used 8 words and made the same point as dildo head above me. Thanks for the scenario, windbag. Originally Posted by WombRaider
It was a "what if" question dumb shit -- you missed the point again and again substituted your rhetoric for a reasonable response. Please promise you'll drop from this board when Billary implodes - that will give us all something to look forward to.
I love the disclaimer admiral. You really don't need it....we all know you are full of shit.

A couple of mistakes I think; Hillary is not the kind to throw in the towel because this is her absolute last chance...Bernie Sanders? He probably can't carry a state but another democrat riding to the rescue like Biden would have to tie into Hillary. I think you'd have a three way race for the nomination with the rescuer (insert name here) coming out on top.
You have it backwards on Trump, he would get pissed off and go third party but that is putting the cart before the horse. First there is the nomination. Trump is riding high and if he were to win Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina right off the top there seems to be little to stand in his way as that is the Mid West, New England, and the South right there. Lets go with the idea that the Bush camp pulls something (not the GOP rank and file) does a dirty deed to Trump. He loses a brokered convention and goes for that third party. Further, lets also say that the democrats create a spoiler in either Sanders or Hillary (I don't think she gets the nomination). Okay, we have four major people running for the White House.

The magic number is 271 electoral votes for the win. If no one recieves that then the election goes to the House. The new House in 2016. The GOP would probably enjoy a 30-50 seat edge still and pick up a few more Tea Party candidates (this is important). The Tea Party is where Trump's base would be. Not that they would automatically vote for him but they would be more inclined to vote for him. Jeb would be the stalwart GOP candidate but Boehner (his champion) would be fighting for his political life as well. The infighting would be epic but we would probably never know for some years what happened. Hillary would pull out all the stops and her FBI files on people. The Tea Party would threaten to deny Bush the win which they could. It is possible that Hillary would win but I don't think that is likely. There will be a court challenge but I believe the democrats would evenly split their vote between the white knight and Hillary giving Bush the win by a plurality.
The outcome would be devastating to both major parties. There would probably be permanent splits between the left wing socialists and the establishment and the Tea Party portion of the GOP for at least the next presidential election cycle.

I have to point out to the nimrods on this site, this is all speculation based on the law and my understanding of what motivates the candidates. This speculation could change at any time based on events going forward (I think Hillary will be forced to cave eventually). This is not a prediction of events either. It is just one ....possibility. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Had to be said considering how small some of the....intellects are around here.
The way Trump is attacking Megan Kelly he would make an ass of himself trying it on foreign policy.Putin would put him in a choke hold, and make him do the chicken.
You'll have to repeat the question for the NBK. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
But, JDIdiot, let's get to the important stuff. OK?

Who is going to get in the cockpit and fly the camouflaged 777 off of the remote island.

Is there even enough room to turn it around?