Temperment my ass

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Besides having a vagina (there are still some doubts) Hillary has boasted two other major assets to her candidacy; experience and temperment. We can easily see that her experience is for shit going back 40 years when she was removed from the Watergate legal team for lying, to White Water, Cattle Futures, Hillary care, the bimbo eruptions, the Red Line, the Arab Spring, the Russian Reset, Libya, and ISIS. So what's left.....oh yes, temperment. One of the latest revelations that some may have missed is that those leads came from American intelligence sources and not Russia. We have Hillary on record blaming Putin repeatedly and calling for military action ultimately. Hows that for temperment. Calling for an attack on a nuclear power for exposing your wrong doing in order to either cover it up or deflect peoples attention away from it. All at the cost of a few lives and some money.

Nope not much good temperment going on inside that horrible body.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Anybody with a lick of sense knows the beast Hillary nd her temperament. It is cataloged in many accounts.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Another unsubstantiated op ed from our resident "educator," topped off with a predictably misogynistic comment.

There aren't enough of you to win this election for HIM.
bambino's Avatar

Another unsubstantiated op ed from our resident "educator," topped off with a predictably misogynistic comment.

There aren't enough of you to win this election for HIM. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You and Lubed are the 2 biggest mysoginists in this forum. Cocksucking pig.
  • DSK
  • 11-05-2016, 09:13 AM

Another unsubstantiated op ed from our resident "educator," topped off with a predictably misogynistic comment.

There aren't enough of you to win this election for HIM. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
There probably aren't quite enough of us to defeat Hillary, a corrupt, lying, power hungry madwoman.

Sad demise of a once great nation.
The NeoConCunt has the Temperament to start WWIII, that's it...

Anybody with a lick of sense knows the beast Hillary nd her temperament. It is cataloged in many accounts. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I wish the TRUMP organization would make a commercial with all of the "quotes " of shrilLIARy's profane rants at her security details going back to when she was in Arkansas with Slick Willy the lying and disbarred sexual predator. Where she is cursing them. and show how she didn't want any of the military personnel around her to wear their uniforms. And where she demanded that the military aid carry " the football " to stop and disregard his duties and carry her luggage for her.
  • DSK
  • 11-05-2016, 01:32 PM
I wish the TRUMP organization would make a commercial with all of the "quotes " of shrilLIARy's profane rants at her security details going back to when she was in Arkansas with Slick Willy the lying and disbarred sexual predator. Where she is cursing them. and show how she didn't want any of the military personnel around her to wear their uniforms. And where she demanded that the military aid carry " the football " to stop and disregard his duties and carry her luggage for her. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
I would like to see that, also.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-05-2016, 01:49 PM
She has a very long history of melt downs over small things. She thinks her staffs are essentially her personal servants (sadly she is not alone in that regard--quite a few appointees feel that). Rules apply to every one else but not her.

She and Trump both have the "you insulted me, we'll nuke you!" gut reaction not far below the surface. Either of them will have to seriously restrain themselves from making the next four years a non-stop set of soap opera fiascos both domestically and foreign.

I pray we survive the next four years regardless who wins. It will be a challenge.
Lying, despicable, money grubbing, sexual predator enabling cunt.
Besides having a vagina (there are still some doubts) Hillary has boasted two other major assets to her candidacy; experience and temperment. We can easily see that her experience is for shit going back 40 years when she was removed from the Watergate legal team for lying, to White Water, Cattle Futures, Hillary care, the bimbo eruptions, the Red Line, the Arab Spring, the Russian Reset, Libya, and ISIS. So what's left.....oh yes, temperment. One of the latest revelations that some may have missed is that those leads came from American intelligence sources and not Russia. We have Hillary on record blaming Putin repeatedly and calling for military action ultimately. Hows that for temperment. Calling for an attack on a nuclear power for exposing your wrong doing in order to either cover it up or deflect peoples attention away from it. All at the cost of a few lives and some money.

Nope not much good temperment going on inside that horrible body. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Poor girl has a lot of issues. I've watched her closely in debates and interviews. Most people don't ever notice this because they don't know what they are actually witnessing, but her eye movements. Apart from the fact she's Codependent, believe it or not she is. She's also alcohol dependent which is often indicated by saccadic eye movements seen during interviews and public debates which is often a dead ringer for inebriation. Reports of her having outbursts and tantrums with staff are also indicators of not only personality disorders but substance abuse as well. Educated, refined, socially adjusted individuals don't act in this manner .

Poor girl has a lot of issues. I've watched her closely in debates and interviews. Most people don't ever notice this because they don't know what they are actually witnessing, but her eye movements. Apart from the fact she's Codependent, believe it or not she is. She's also alcohol dependent which is often indicated by saccadic eye movements seen during interviews and public debates which is often a dead ringer for inebriation. Reports of her having outbursts and tantrums with staff are also indicators of not only personality disorders but substance abuse as well. Educated, refined, socially adjusted individuals don't act in this manner .

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

She's the female version of JR Ewing from the Dallas show...

Lying, despicable, money grubbing, sexual predator enabling cunt. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Are you referring to Hillary or Trumps wife?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-05-2016, 05:06 PM
She's the female version of JR Ewing from the Dallas show...
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I had not heard that comparison before, but it fits quite well. Minus the Texas accent and the hat of course.
She's the female version of JR Ewing from the Dallas show...

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Hahahaha, that's interesting.
