Antifa, BLM vandalize ICE building, burn original Starbucks

  • oeb11
  • 01-25-2021, 08:01 AM

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 7:05 PM PT – Sunday, January 24, 2021

Across the U.S., left-wing groups ‘Antifa’ and ‘BLM’ are continuing to disrupt public order following the inauguration of Joe Biden.
In a tweet on Sunday, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said he expects Democrat lawmakers to condemn the latest looting and rioting in Oregon and Washington State.
The senator referred to reports by law enforcement in those states. He said hundreds of far-left activists attacked federal buildings and burnt the original ‘Starbucks.’
Democrats have been quiet on those attacks while condemning Republicans for protests in Washington D.C. on January 6. At least 20 people were arrested during those riots.

fiden/harris do love their brownshirt terroists!!
people will remember the horror and destruction visited upon them by the radical marxists

come 2022!
DPST/ccp fascist leaders have never, ever condemned the violence, rapes, murders, arsons, and other crimes of their terrorist 'PETS" - and never will.

DPST/ccp leaders fomented, financed, and caused the violence as a way of destabilizing America and stealing the 2020 election.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Heh! I hope Starbucks feels really Stupid now for making their employees wear that Silly Shit on their uniforms last year. How rich
rexdutchman's Avatar
They are not anyones friends the leftist used them now look out ,,,
  • oeb11
  • 01-25-2021, 01:14 PM
to the current fiden/harris cabal/regime:
your dear supporter hannah-jones may claim that burning, arson, destruction of property, - is not '
Violence" because it is just 'property".
Until it happens to your own home or business.

the DPST/ccp antifa OBLM armed terorists are out of control o fthe fiden/harris cabal - and reigning in their pet terrorists may be much more difficult than they think.

it own't just require don lemons and moan about the violence hurtin gthe DPSY/ccp party.

Their terrorists no longer care

Burn the whole thing down - their mantra.

fiden //harris - Thanks for loosing these terrorists on teh country - and still enabling their criminal activities - but - it is just what DPST/ccp stalinist 'leaders' Do!
HedonistForever's Avatar
I wonder if we could get a commission to see if the words of Nancy Pelosi and fellow Democrats incited violence when they encouraged those people last summer who continue to burn and destroy property when they told them to "keep doing what you are doing". "Go into the street and fight for justice". Wouldn't that now be calling for violence since "fight" has now been construed to mean a call for violence?

I seem to remember my saying a few months back, that if you think what is going on in Portland and Seattle is going to end with the election of Joe Biden, you are wrong and once again, I've been proven right. These people are anarchist and they couldn't care less if Democrats or Republicans are in power, they want to "burn the whole damn system down".

So now what to do Joe? You didn't call for their arrests when you were running. Will you now admit that you were wrong and that Antifa is a domestic terrorist organization or will you continue to ignore this violent group from the left because demonizing the right is more important to you than actual law and order, crime and punishment.

Oh, and the catchy slogan of this group of anarchists, "No borders, no nations". Sounds like a fun bunch.
winn dixie's Avatar
But but theyre peaceful protestors!

fucking maggots
Remember, BLM funding went thru "ActBlue" a wholely controlled arm of the DNC. If Pelosi and Schumer wanted this stopped, the could do so in an instant.
Ripmany's Avatar
Starbucks really sucks the coffee's nasty and they don't even sell donuts I could even get a hot saga from those people and quite frankly ice it's just too freaking cold they ice need to be warmed up a little