Chilean Mine Rescuee's Dilemma

sky_wire's Avatar
You've been stuck in a shit hole mine for two months. The 20 minute capsule ride to the top is over. Your eyes adjust to daylight. There in the crowd you spot both your wife and your lover. They both make eye contact with you. Neither wife nor lover knows the other is in the crowd.

Whom do you embrace first and why?
oralee's Avatar
That's an actual case. The miner who is functioning as the medic (has previous medical training) has this problem. The wife and the mistress are both waiting for him to emerge. Hell, he may have a shovel, and trying to dig in the other direction.
rachet3375's Avatar
Thing is that both of them came to the site to collect his pay check and benefits. They know about each other now, but hard to say how it will pan out for him once he hits the surface. That senario might be playing out with more than one of those guys, wives at home village and GF at mining camp.
Just leave me in the hole....
sky_wire's Avatar
Just leave me in the hole.... Originally Posted by DFWRaven

pmdelites's Avatar
as reported by several sources...
the wife was not at the mine camp when he emerged.
the girlfriend/mistress was.

jay leno's take: all of his belongings were at the camp, dumped there courtesy of his wife.
macksback's Avatar
Thats when you hug El Presidente for about an hour(secret service style protection)