Friendly Warning/Advice

A college buddy (lives in NYC) just finished up his divorce. His wife got full custody of the children, the 2-level co-op in Tribeca, the $15millon+ retirement portfolio, one-half of the proceeds once their Santa Fe, Playa del Carmen and Vail vacation homes are sold and a proportionate share of the vested portion of his company retirement account once he retires in 12 years, the newer of two BMW's (she's required to sell the other 6 cars they own and give him 40% of the proceeds less any sales commission from his share) and $12,000/month child support until both girls are 18 (one is 6 and the other 13). The ex also gets $22,000/month alimony. He got to keep a 1BR condo near his office in the Financial Distrct, the 05' BMW convertible, re-start his retirement portfolio, commence rebuilding his reputation among co-workers (she subpoenaed several of them as well as some of the Providers to testify at the trial) and every other weekend visitation rights with his daughters (the 13 year old now despises Daddy based upon what she's heard from Mom and what her Daddy did to Mommy. His 25 year old son calls Dad a "loser" that "needs to go cap himself" and won't speak with him. Their son lives in a Finger Lakes lakehouse they owned for use during the Summer. Dad kept the right to use it 2 weeks per year but would have to confront his son who is about 6 inches taller than Dad and a good 75lbs heavier.

Reason: Daddy was a complete sex-addicted moron! He snapped pictures of some of his trysts with Providers and the cute co-worker he was fucking. His wife found the pictures in a locked file cabinet at the office one evening while he was out of town. He'd asked her to retrieve some papers he needed for a meeting he was attending in London and didn't give it a second thought that the key that opened up the file cabinet where the papers were located also unlocked the cabinet with the incriminating pictures. Apparently the pics were pretty graphic. She kept her cool, hired a private investigator recommended by some of her Manhattan girlfriends (using cash she'd put away in a secret investment account) and began gethering evidence. The PI suggested she give him copies of all cell phone, credit and debit card records. She discovered that the "love of her life" called for hooker appointments on his cell phone (he forgot that his company converted his company account to a personal account) immediately before making cash withdrawals from their joint checking account. She also got hold of text messages he'd sent to hookers and vice-versa. The PI discovered the condo (where he'd meet to fuck the very cute, 22 year old co-worker) at the NYC tax office. She gathered shit on him for almost 6 months before pulling the trigger. He was served with the Petition for Divorce as he walked thru the entrance of his place of employment in Manhattan after returning from an international flight. When he arrived at his Tribeca home she greeted him at the door holding the 9mm pistol he'd bought her for protection and told him it'd be best if he stayed across town at his "fuck condo." She'd already tossed every article of clothing he owned into about 30 boxes that were locked in a storage locker in the underground parking garage.

Lesson: At 53 he's starting over. Except for the shitty condo (still worth about $1 million according to him), he's lost all of the real property accumulated over the past 30 years of married life. His reputation at work is shot and he's resigning (the investment bank doesn't want anything to do with him. The young co-worker he was fucking lost her job and thereafter offered to testify against him at the trial, which she did in devastating fashion. He's selling his condo and relocating to Chicago (less memories, more pussy he says) to start fresh. Fortunately, he's a brilliant businessman that'll likely strike it rich in pretty short order. He's basically walking away from his children, already planning on how he'll use the funds once they reach 18 (he's said that "bitch" can pay for the girls' college or they can get scholarships or loans). He's likely worse than Tiger Woods" in regards to his sex addiction issues because he doesn't seem to have learned any lessons that'll keep him from repeating the mistakes that cost him so dearly.

I guess I wrote this to say that even though I hobby:

1. I'd never snap a picture since the memories are enough to keep me smiling. Pics are for fools.

2. I don't use my cell or text a Provider.

3. My work space is sanitized. I could drop dead tomorrow without fear of anything being found.

4. I don't dip my quill in the company ink (there's several women I'd love to plunder but it's not worth the risk) and don't chat about my private life with anyone.

I do love pussy, but I love my life more!
Hate to be callous, but that kind of arrogance with respect to clandestine "sexcapades" can only lead to this type of meltdown. Sad to lose all of the material goods, but even worse to lose the respect and family bonds with his children.

Makes me glad I never settled down. Besides, I can do a fair job of plundering my assets without any help!

Discretion, discretion, discretion...
Peanut's Avatar
I have a hobby phone.
I dont meet provider where I can be identified later.
I dont take pics of provider visits.

only way to get to me is by following me.
Randall Creed's Avatar

I'm glad I'm a Single, low budget, (nearly) check to check living, (near) minimum waging, penny pinching, bargain seeker. If you sued/divorced me you'd lose more money paying your lawyer than you'd get from me. Though if I did have that kind of money I'd be terrified of losing it due to THAT much carelessness.

Stories like this is why men SHOULDN'T get married.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Photoshop, when you really, really want to protect the guilty by putting wild tatoos on your johnson.

A fool and his money are soon parted!
TheWanderer's Avatar
Wow, I know of someone who went through a similar situation, many years ago.
He was rather wealthy and owned several auto dealerships. He lost more than half of his assets and started back from there. He made it back but it took him 20 years. He still pays a hefty sum of alimony to his wife who has a condo on the beach, a Porsche, a Mercedes, does not work and never has. She works out everyday and is quite beautiful.
He will pay the sum of $100,000 if you can get her to marry you.

I don't think she would ever let those goose eggs ( or gonads) go.

I guess she got her feelings hurt at the time, but she sure got compensated for her heartbreak. Why are some people so lucky?
I mean no disrespect, but when you are that "in your face" with it, it's gonna bite you in the ass.
TexTushHog's Avatar
A man with that much money really can't afford to be married or have kids. Just an invitation to financial disaster.
gptxman's Avatar
only way to get to me is by following me. Originally Posted by Peanut
With the GPS units available now they don't even have to follow you. If fact they don't even have to watch the computer. The units will alert them when you leave the house, work or where ever else they want to know when you leave and tell them when you arrive at any place the want to watch. These alerts can be by email or text messages.

For those of you doing with out the SO's knowledge use extreme caution.
Boltfan's Avatar
A man with that much money really can't afford to be married or have kids. Just an invitation to financial disaster. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I totally disagree with that blanket statement. The money did not lead to the financial disaster. His actions caused the issue. This type of person would have these issues regardless of income.
My thoughts...if you want to play, stay single. Always the married ones making the news..not a surprise. No one would be talking about Tiger if he was single or any singles. Maybe I am in the minority, why need to play elsewhere, when one has play at home? or does one have play at home?
If she is satisifying him, and vice versa, they wouldn't need to look elsewhere?

I have talked to some of my married friends, and they say it doesn't work out that way. lol!

I can't afford a wife.

Same page with Rambro Creed, too broke. I wouldn't mind someone inheriting my debt though.
Boltfan's Avatar
My wife and I are swingers and enjoy variety. We both play and have each others permission. I don't agree that marriage has to shut down play.
pyramider's Avatar
You are one of the exceptions but not the rule.
This guy was one of those high-flying Wall Streeters that always had more money than common sense and used it to live a life of excess. We were walking back to his office in Manhattan last year after having lunch at the NY Athletic Club when he spotted a diamond necklace in a window. He said he could get some serious bareback pussy with that and walked in and bought it for his fuckbuddy/coworker. He he dropped $11K for it and I have no doubt that he made sure she swallowed before snapping it around her neck. Wall Street's collapse and his office escapades made him more expendable than others but he was always a top producer so when his office romance was discovered the firm flushed her, had a stern talking with him and cut his year end bonus to almost nothing in his opinion ($400K). He'll never make as much in Chicago as he did in NYC unless he sets up his own business, which he probably will. He's always said the real money and brains are in the hedge funds. Now that he's single he'll start making money again and won't have to fuck around behind his wife's back. I don't understand how he can write off his kids (he may not..he's pretty pissed about the $ his wife got out of him) but he's likely to keep in touch and see if they'll forgive him at some point. I only hope he doesn't go in the opposite direction and start fucking married women. As far as I know he's focused on Providers and single women that are attracted to cash and left the married women alone.