The Most Racist Post On Eccie by Sistine Chapel

Am I reading this correctly? Black people, per Sistine, are inferior due to the Creator? Incredible.

ook...I will explain why. If you're a creationist this will be easier to understand. I tried giving evolution a chance but they couldn't make their case adequately enough so I'm rolling with Albert Einstein who believes that God exists but is impersonal to us. The other thing is there are no transitional fossils in existence that prove evolution. Not a single one. There should be some historical footprint that shows the transition from organism to organism in somewhat of a progressive manner that would prove evolution. (e.g. fish to monkey to man) Instead I decided to settle on a detached Creator due to the detailed intracasies and complexities of life that is duplicated in every mammal. Sorry but that is not accidental it's Super intellectual design on a scale that's simply incomprehensible. (E.g brain, heart, lungs). Sex being pleasurable is another concrete and complex example of purposeful design if God gave the degree to be fruitful and multiply the population according to it's kind. I digress so on to my point.

My view is that enlightenment didn't come to blacks first (there are some exceptions such as me) and thus enslavement ensued because of the Creators will. God may have created blacks first as a pilot or test for suitability and compatibility on earths harsh environment. It's the very reason most of us have nappy or kinky hair because of the climate he originally intended. After awhile he decided to create a different cosmetic version of humans with lighter skin and finer hair for a different climate on earth.

As for the enslavement component it's simple. Since God created us blacks as a prototype for the African climate tens of thousands of years before anyone else it meant that all of our focus was on survival and not enlightenment. As cro-magnons we had to form patrols to fight off the superior physical mammals such as powerful herds that roamed Africa such as Lions, Sabre-tooth Tigers, Bears, Hyenas, Wolly Mammoths, poisonous serpants, thousands of angry Monkeys. Lol all of these animals were much more vicious and ferocious back then. So we spent all of out time just trying to survive.

By the time we learned to contain the animals we then had to learn to tame each we never really had time for enlightenment. We settled for tribal life cuz it's all we knew. By the time the white man showed up we were excellent prime candidates for slavery all because God created us as his initial prototype or pilot test.
The whole thread is a read:
LexusLover's Avatar
by Sistine Chapel:

My view is that enlightenment didn't come to blacks first (there are some exceptions such as me) and thus enslavement ensued because of the Creators will. God may have created blacks first as a pilot or test for suitability and compatibility on earths harsh environment. It's the very reason most of us have nappy or kinky hair because of the climate he originally intended. After awhile he decided to create a different cosmetic version of humans with lighter skin and finer hair for a different climate on earth.
Hopefully God will recognize the errors of "HIS" ways and "adjust" the mistakes "HE" has visited upon us all by further "enlightening" THE MISTAKE he made when he burdened our universe with a MYSOGYNISTIC, NARCISSISTIC RACIST, who has little, if anything, to contribute to the betterment of society.

Note to self: Send a note to the WH regarding improving the overall quality of our educational system from grades Pre-K through 12th with an emphasis on the 9th and 10th to accommodate the dropouts who think they don't need it ... because they are the "enlightened ones"!
RyanFromTER's Avatar
There's a punchline to Sistines joke right? Or does he really have self hatred?
I went back and re-read the whole thread. My conclusion is, Shitistan Mosque is a RACIST WEIRDO!!!
Let me take you to the church in my head. We are a simulation it's the same as I would call a pilot or a prototype.
LexusLover's Avatar
There's a punchline to Sistines joke right? Originally Posted by RyanFromTER
The "punchline" for SissyLips is:

His mother failed to avail herself of the benefits of birth control for the good of the Earth and the well-being of humanity. "Birth Control" either before or after her pregnancy with him.

He's George Carlin's poster child for the "marble eating" crowd!
still and all, through all of his fanciful nonsense his overblown self regard and defensive narcissism shines through

to him blacks became slaves, everyone knows it, it goes without saying, and blacks were special, alone and unique in that regard

the put upon people

no one has seen the troubles I've seen

yeah right

to develop a theistic cause of uniqueness is quite narcissistic

it shows a hypersensitivity to minor slights and a persecution complex that someone with healthy views would never adopt

people with defensive narcissism are easily wounded.

They are constantly on guard trying to protect their status.
LexusLover's Avatar

They are constantly on guard trying to protect their status. Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
What "status"?

The only "status" he has is "created" by others acknowledging his posts (and thereby his existence) and establishing another thread with his name on it.
What "status"?

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I thought it was evident, status as unique victims
LexusLover's Avatar
I thought it was evident, status as unique victims Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
He's neither "unique" nor a "victim"!

He's the product of a severe inferiority complex that struggles to provide some illusion of relevance and knowledge so as to mask his self-analysis of being a know-nothing loser who continues to build his "reputation" on worthless tales of his fictional he displays his MYSOGYNISTIC, NARCISSISTIC RACISM.

Rather than be ashamed of being Black he should embrace it as a gift of God who is not "racist" contrary to his excuses. But he can't embrace what he disdains.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Am I reading this correctly? Black people, per Sistine, are inferior due to the Creator? Incredible.

The whole thread is a read: Originally Posted by gnadfly
what he said fits in with the ancient aliens myth.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Yawn....just waking up outta my sleep my slumber. Time to kick these two bitches outta my bed and make em go home. After I fuck my body temp rises and I get hot...These bitches aint gotta go home but they gotta get the fuck up outta here.

PS: Glad to see yall reading my old scholarly penmanship... its nice to have true fans. ;-)
LexusLover's Avatar
So this post was a "dream" of yours! Like the "two bitches"!
So this post was a "dream" of yours! Like the "two bitches"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
They were WHITE TRANNIES ! And they PEGGED him all night long ! "Spitroasted ' him too !
LexusLover's Avatar
They were WHITE HOMELESS TRANNIES ! And they PEGGED him all night long ! "Spitroasted ' him too ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
FIFY ... He's (if it is a "HE") now admitted to being a PREDATOR of homeless people for his personal sexual gratification.
LexusLover's Avatar
Yawn....just waking up outta my sleep my slumber. Time to kick these two bitches outta my bed and make em go home.

These bitches aint gotta go home but they gotta get the fuck up outta here. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
FIFY ... He's (if it is a "HE") now admitted to being a PREDATOR of homeless people for his personal sexual gratification. Originally Posted by LexusLover

... just tying the post together.