Lets save the democrat party

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Okay, democrats were racist, obstructionist, sexist, and all round sons of bitches but they did love this country not too many decades ago. We can't have a one party country. We need another party to provide a choice for those who can't play nicely with others. We need to save the democrats from themselves. Whether they know it or not (according to the news reports, they don't) they are bleeding from several self inflicted wounds. You have to stop the bleeding by cauterizing the wound. Get rid of Pelosi, get rid of Hillary, shitcan Maxine, fire Frederiqua, and dump every democrat who has attacked this country by word and deed. Not just get rid of the above but run from them. Isolate them, put them in some box that they can never get out of. That includes the sexual predators of Epstein, Bill, and Anthony. Cleanse your souls. Separate the democrat party from TV and Hollywood. Get back to the basics of love for country and partiotism. We'll work on your past racism, Jim Crow, and those democrat confederate heroes later. Put Jim Webb on your shoulders and make him your party nominee now instead of 2020.
I doubt at this rate, the DNC will WANT to 'save itself', cause they don't see themselves as having a problem.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Democrats will never see themselves as their own worst problem. they just cannot do it.

My commie socialist brother declared that he is an Independent. Me and my other brother just about shit ourselves laughing so hard. Voted for Hillary when Bernie did not win but claims it wasn't his candidate......heh
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
they are beyond saving as they are now currently inflicted with extreme leftist disease & rot.
The problem with the Democrat Party is they tell the Main Stream Media what to report, and then turn around and believe the bullshit that the MSM reports.

They are stuck in their own world. They don't have a clue what most Americans think. Every time Hillary gives an interview, Nancy P gives a speech, a Hollywood celebrity lectures, the late night Comedians ridicule, etc, more Counties turn Red.

You can't cure stupid. So maybe the current Democrat Party is doomed.
they are beyond saving as they are now currently inflicted with extreme leftist disease & rot. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
More like Communism!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
More like Communism! Originally Posted by garhkal
well, not quite. they are not there *yet*.

right now the democrats are inflicted with the identity & inter-sectionalism politics. both form of politics are very divisive and is whats roiling and driving them deeper in the hole they themselves dug up...

bamscram's Avatar
Nazis on one side commies on the other, a real diverse society now.
But the nazis and commies are both part of the same political side.. THE dems!
bamscram's Avatar
But the nazis and commies are both part of the same political side.. THE dems! Originally Posted by garhkal
Not this last election cycle. Who supported Trump?
Not this last election cycle. Who supported Trump? Originally Posted by bamscram
Hard working, God loving, middle Americans.
bamscram's Avatar
LOL right.

...Isolate them, put them in some box that they can never get out of. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Jor-el, of Krypton, discoverer of the phantom zone, trial prosecutor de-luxe, would that such as he arise

to banish these dims likewise, to the Phantom Zone

if any becomes finally cured of his or her evilness, release to the bottled city of kandor could be appropriate